Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Roberto Wolfler Calvo
Professor of Operations Research, AOC, LIPN, University Pari13
確認したメール アドレス: lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Bike sharing systems: Solving the static rebalancing problem
D Chemla, F Meunier, RW Calvo
Discrete Optimization 10 (2), 120-146, 2013
Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a cooperative Lagrangean relaxation-granular tabu search heuristic
C Prins, C Prodhon, A Ruiz, P Soriano, R Wolfler Calvo
Transportation science 41 (4), 470-483, 2007
A branch-and-cut method for the capacitated location-routing problem
JM Belenguer, E Benavent, C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 38 (6), 931-941, 2011
Solving the capacitated location-routing problem by a GRASP complemented by a learning process and a path relinking
C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
4or 4, 221-238, 2006
An effective memetic algorithm for the cumulative capacitated vehicle routing problem
SU Ngueveu, C Prins, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 37 (11), 1877-1885, 2010
A memetic algorithm and a tabu search for the multi-compartment vehicle routing problem
A El Fallahi, C Prins, RW Calvo
Computers & Operations Research 35 (5), 1725-1741, 2008
An exact algorithm for the static rebalancing problem arising in bicycle sharing systems
G Erdoğan, M Battarra, RW Calvo
European Journal of Operational Research 245 (3), 667-679, 2015
An exact algorithm for the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem
R Baldacci, A Mingozzi, R Roberti, RW Calvo
Operations research 61 (2), 298-314, 2013
A distributed geographic information system for the daily car pooling problem
RW Calvo, F de Luigi, P Haastrup, V Maniezzo
Computers & Operations Research 31 (13), 2263-2278, 2004
The team orienteering problem with time windows: An lp-based granular variable neighborhood search
N Labadie, R Mansini, J Melechovský, RW Calvo
European journal of operational research 220 (1), 15-27, 2012
A memetic algorithm with population management (MA| PM) for the capacitated location-routing problem
C Prins, C Prodhon, RW Calvo
European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial …, 2006
The static bicycle relocation problem with demand intervals
G Erdoğan, G Laporte, RW Calvo
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (2), 451-457, 2014
An exact method for the capacitated location-routing problem
R Baldacci, A Mingozzi, R Wolfler Calvo
Operations research 59 (5), 1284-1296, 2011
A granular tabu search algorithm for the dial-a-ride problem
D Kirchler, RW Calvo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 56, 120-135, 2013
A heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
R Cordone, RW Calvo
Journal of Heuristics 7, 107-129, 2001
Shared mobility systems: an updated survey
G Laporte, F Meunier, R Wolfler Calvo
Annals of Operations Research 271, 105-126, 2018
A heuristic approach to the overnight security service problem
RW Calvo, R Cordone
Computers & Operations Research 30 (9), 1269-1287, 2003
A matheuristic approach for solving a home health care problem
H Allaoua, S Borne, L Létocart, RW Calvo
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 41, 471-478, 2013
A new heuristic for the traveling salesman problem with time windows
RW Calvo
Transportation Science 34 (1), 113-124, 2000
A metaheuristic to solve a location-routing problem with non-linear costs
J Melechovský, C Prins, RW Calvo
Journal of Heuristics 11, 375-391, 2005
論文 1–20