Oh-Sung Kwon
Oh-Sung Kwon
Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto
確認したメール アドレス: utoronto.ca - ホームページ
The effect of material and ground motion uncertainty on the seismic vulnerability curves of RC structure
OS Kwon, A Elnashai
Engineering structures 28 (2), 289-303, 2006
Bridge damage and repair costs from Hurricane Katrina
J Padgett, R DesRoches, B Nielson, M Yashinsky, OS Kwon, N Burdette, ...
Journal of Bridge Engineering 13 (1), 6-14, 2008
An energy-based formulation for first-and multiple-mode nonlinear static (pushover) analyses
E Hernandez-Montes, OS Kwon, MA Aschheim
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 8 (01), 69-88, 2004
A framework for multi-site distributed simulation and application to complex structural systems
OS Kwon, N Nakata, A Elnashai, B Spencer
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 9 (05), 741-753, 2005
The Maule (Chile) Earthquake of February 27, 2010: consequence assessment and case studies
AS Elnashai, B Gencturk, OS Kwon, IL Al-Qadi, Y Hashash, JR Roesler, ...
Response prediction of nonlinear hysteretic systems by deep neural networks
T Kim, OS Kwon, J Song
Neural Networks 111, 1-10, 2019
Evaluation of building period formulas for seismic design
OS Kwon, ES Kim
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 39 (14), 1569-1583, 2010
Structural performance of a parked wind turbine tower subjected to strong ground motions
A Patil, S Jung, OS Kwon
Engineering Structures 120, 92-102, 2016
Fragility analysis of a highway over-crossing bridge with consideration of soil–structure interactions
OS Kwon, AS Elnashai
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 6 (1-2), 159-178, 2010
A framework for distributed analytical and hybrid simulations
OS Kwon, AS Elnashai, BF Spencer
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 30 (3), 331-350, 2008
Probabilistic evaluation of seismic responses using deep learning method
T Kim, J Song, OS Kwon
Structural Safety 84, 101913, 2020
Hybrid simulation for earthquake response of semirigid partial-strength steel frames
HN Mahmoud, AS Elnashai, BF Spencer Jr, OS Kwon, DJ Bennier
Journal of structural engineering 139 (7), 1134-1148, 2013
Model updating method for substructure pseudo‐dynamic hybrid simulation
OS Kwon, V Kammula
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 42 (13), 1971-1984, 2013
Seismic analysis of Meloland road overcrossing using multiplatform simulation software including SSI
OS Kwon, AS Elnashai
Journal of Structural Engineering 134 (4), 651-660, 2008
A generalized numerical/experimental distributed simulation framework
X Huang, OS Kwon
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 24 (4), 682-703, 2020
Can a buried gas pipeline experience local buckling during earthquake ground shaking?
N Psyrras, O Kwon, S Gerasimidis, A Sextos
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 116, 511-529, 2019
Numerical simulation of damage evolution of Daikai station during the 1995 Kobe earthquake
VQ Nguyen, ZA Nizamani, D Park, OS Kwon
Engineering Structures 206, 110180, 2020
The Maule (Chile) earthquake of February 27, 2010: Development of hazard, site specific ground motions and back-analysis of structures
AS Elnashai, B Gencturk, OS Kwon, YMA Hashash, SJ Kim, SH Jeong, ...
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 42, 229-245, 2012
Application of hybrid‐simulation to fragility assessment of the telescoping self‐centering energy dissipative bracing system
V Kammula, J Erochko, OS Kwon, C Christopoulos
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 43 (6), 811-830, 2014
Pre‐and post‐earthquake regional loss assessment using deep learning
T Kim, J Song, OS Kwon
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 49 (7), 657-678, 2020
論文 1–20