Sowmiya Chandran
Sowmiya Chandran
Assistant Professor, V.S.B. Engineering College, Karur
確認したメール アドレス: vsbec.com - ホームページ
Further mean-square asymptotic stability of impulsive discrete-time stochastic BAM neural networks with Markovian jumping and multiple time-varying delays
C Sowmiya, R Raja, Q Zhu, G Rajchakit
Journal of the Franklin Institute 356 (1), 561-591, 2019
Robust generalized Mittag-Leffler synchronization of fractional order neural networks with discontinuous activation and impulses
A Pratap, R Raja, C Sowmiya, O Bagdasar, J Cao, G Rajchakit
Neural Networks 103, 128-141, 2018
Global projective lag synchronization of fractional order memristor based BAM neural networks with mixed time varying delays
A Pratap, R Raja, C Sowmiya, O Bagdasar, J Cao, G Rajchakit
Asian Journal of Control 22 (1), 570-583, 2020
Enhanced robust finite-time passivity for Markovian jumping discrete-time BAM neural networks with leakage delay
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, G Rajchakit, A Alsaedi
Advances in Difference Equations 2017, 1-28, 2017
Discrete-time stochastic impulsive BAM neural networks with leakage and mixed time delays: An exponential stability problem
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, X Li, G Rajchakit
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (10), 4404-4435, 2018
Passivity analysis for uncertain BAM neural networks with leakage, discrete and distributed delays using novel summation inequality
S Chandran, R Ramachandran, J Cao, RP Agarwal, G Rajchakit
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 17, 2114-2124, 2019
Impulsive discrete-time BAM neural networks with random parameter uncertainties and time-varying leakage delays: an asymptotic stability analysis
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, G Rajchakit
Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 2571-2592, 2018
Sampled-data controller scheme for multi-agent systems and its Application to circuit network
A Stephen, R Karthikeyan, C Sowmiya, R Raja, RP Agarwal
Neural Networks, 2023
A delay‐dependent asymptotic stability criteria for uncertain BAM neural networks with leakage and discrete time‐varying delays: A novel summation inequality
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, G Rajchakit, A Alsaedi
Asian Journal of Control, 2019
Enhanced result on stability analysis of randomly occurring uncertain parameters, leakage, and impulsive BAM neural networks with time‐varying delays: Discrete‐time case
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, G Rajchakit
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 32 (7), 1010 …, 2018
Global exponential stability of antiperiodic solutions for impulsive discrete‐time Markovian jumping stochastic BAM neural networks with additive time‐varying delays and …
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, G Ravi, X Li, A Alsaedi, Z Tu
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 32 (6), 908-936, 2018
Delay dependent complex-valued bidirectional associative memory neural networks with stochastic and impulsive effects: An exponential stability approach
C Maharajan, C Sowmiya, C Xu
Kybernetika 60 (3), 317-356, 2024
Exponential stability of discrete-time cellular uncertain BAM neural networks with variable delays using Halanay-type inequality
C Sowmiya, R Raja, J Cao, G Rajchakit, A Alsaedi
Appl. Math. Inf. Sci 12 (3), 545-558, 2018
Exponential stability of delay dependent neutral-type descriptor neural networks with uncertain parameters
C Maharajan, C Sowmiya
Franklin Open 5, 100042, 2023
Statistics and Numerical Methods
S. Mahesh, C. Maharajan, C. Sowmiya
Enhanced result on stability analysis of impulsive discrete-time stochastic neural networks with additive time varying delays
C Sowmiya
International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and …, 2017
stability issues of neural networks with time varying delays: A continuous time case
c. maharajan
Alagappa university, 0
Stability analysis of discrete_time neural with time_varying delays
C Sowmiya
Karaikudi, 0
論文 1–18