Rehan Ahmed Khan
Rehan Ahmed Khan
Professor of Surgery/ Medical Education (V) Riphah International University
確認したメール アドレス: riphah.edu.pk
ChatGPT-Reshaping medical education and clinical management
RA Khan, M Jawaid, AR Khan, M Sajjad
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 39 (2), 2023
Technology enhanced assessment (TEA) in COVID 19 pandemic
RA Khan, M Jawaid
Pakistan journal of medical sciences 36 (COVID19-S4), S108, 2020
Medical errors; causes, consequences, emotional response and resulting behavioral change
A Bari, RA Khan, AW Rathore
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 32 (3), 523, 2016
Twelve tips to enhance student engagement in synchronous online teaching and learning
RA Khan, K Atta, M Sajjad, M Jawaid
Medical Teacher, 1-6, 2021
Patient Safety Awareness Among Undergraduate Medical Students in Pakistani Medical School
R Kamran, A Bari, RA Khan, M Al-Eraky
Pakistan journal of medical sciences 34 (2), 305, 2018
Determining ‘curriculum viability’ through standards and inhibitors of curriculum quality: a scoping review
RA Khan, A Spruijt, U Mahboob, JJG van Merrienboer
BMC Medical Education 19 (1), 1-11, 2019
Factors contributing to the lack of interest in research activities among postgraduate medical students
I Saeed, N Farasat Khan, A Bari, R Ahmed Khan
Pak J Med Sci 34 (4), 2018
Postgraduate residents' perception of the clinical learning environment; use of postgraduate hospital educational environment measure (PHEEM) in Pakistani context
A Bari, RA Khan, AW Rathore
JPMA 68, 417-422, 2018
Roles of medical education department: What are expectations of the faculty?
S Batool, MA Raza, RA Khan
PJMS, 2018
Nonfunctional distractor analysis: An indicator for quality of Multiple choice questions
M Sajjad, S Iltaf, RA Khan
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 36 (5), 2020
Stuck in the blend: Challenges faced by students enrolled in blended programs of Masters in Health Professions Education
RA Khan
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 35 (4), 929, 2019
How Case Based Learning Promotes Deep Learning In Preclinical Years Of Medical Students?
A Gul, RA Khan, R Yasmeen, NU Ahsan
Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad: JAMC 32 (2), 228-233, 2020
Development and validation of teacher and student questionnaires measuring inhibitors of curriculum viability
MAEJJGM Rehan Ahmed Khan, Annemarie Spruijt, Usman Mahboob
BMC Medical Education, 2021
World Federation for Medical Education: Appropriateness of Basic Medical Education standards in Pakistan
G Wajid, A Sethi, RA Khan, HS Aamir
Pakistan journal of medical sciences 35 (5), 1185, 2019
Measuring assessment standards in undergraduate medical programs: Development and validation of AIM tool
M Sajjad, RA Khan, R Yasmeen
Pakistan journal of medical sciences 34 (1), 164, 2018
Impact of Language Barriers in Doctor–Patient Relationship: A Qualitative Study
R Mustafa, U Mahboob, RA Khan, A Anjum
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences 39 (1), 2023
Correlation between stress scores and self-regulated learning perception scores in Pakistani students
F Siddiqui, RA Khan
JPMA 2019, 2020
Using language of entrustable professional activities to define learning objectives of radiology clerkship: A modified Delphi study
B Nayyar, R Yasmin, RA Khan
Medical Teacher 41 (8), 1-8, 2019
Teachers’ perceptions of their roles in three medical colleges in Islamabad, Pakistan
SR Nawabi, RA Khan, R Yasmeen
Advances in Health Professions Education 1 (1), 2015
Challenges of peer assisted learning in online clinical skills training of ophthalmology module
S Nisar, U Mahboob, RA Khan, D Rehman
BMC Medical Education 21 (1), 1-6, 2021
論文 1–20