Dennice Gayme
Dennice Gayme
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
確認したメール アドレス: jhu.edu - ホームページ
Grid-scale energy storage applications in renewable energy integration: A survey
A Castillo, DF Gayme
Energy Conversion and Management 87, 885-894, 2014
Adaptive VAR Control for Distribution Circuits With Photovoltaic Generators
HG Yeh, DF Gayme, SH Low
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 27 (3), 1656 - 1663, 2012
Optimal power flow with large-scale energy storage integration
D Gayme, U Topcu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 28 (2), 709 - 717, 2013
Optimizing Storage Siting, Sizing, and Technology Portfolios in Transmission-Constrained Networks
S Wogrin, DF Gayme
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014
Modelling yawed wind turbine wakes: a lifting line approach
CR Shapiro, DF Gayme, C Meneveau
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 841, R1, 2018
Quadratically constrained quadratic programs on acyclic graphs with application to power flow
S Bose, DF Gayme, KM Chandy, SH Low
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2 (3), 278-287, 2015
Large eddy simulation studies of the effects of alignment and wind farm length
RJAM Stevens, DF Gayme, C Meneveau
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 6 (2), 2014
Effects of turbine spacing on the power output of extended wind‐farms
RJAM Stevens, DF Gayme, C Meneveau
Wind Energy 19 (2), 359-370, 2016
Optimal placement of energy storage in the grid
S Bose, DF Gayme, U Topcu, KM Chandy
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5605-5612, 2012
Optimal power flow over tree networks
S Bose, DF Gayme, S Low, KM Chandy
2011 49th annual Allerton conference on communication, control, and …, 2011
The price of synchrony: Evaluating the resistive losses in synchronizing power networks
E Tegling, B Bamieh, DF Gayme
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2 (3), 254-266, 2015
Coupled wake boundary layer model of wind-farms
RJAM Stevens, DF Gayme, C Meneveau
Journal of renewable and sustainable energy 7 (2), 2015
Model‐based receding horizon control of wind farms for secondary frequency regulation
CR Shapiro, P Bauweraerts, J Meyers, C Meneveau, DF Gayme
Wind Energy 20 (7), 1261-1275, 2017
A wake modeling paradigm for wind farm design and control
CR Shapiro, GM Starke, C Meneveau, DF Gayme
Energies 12 (15), 2956, 2019
Optimal power flow with distributed energy storage dynamics
D Gayme, U Topcu
Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, 1536-1542, 2011
Risk-mitigated optimal power flow for wind powered grids
E Sjödin, DF Gayme, U Topcu
2012 American Control Conference (ACC), 4431-4437, 2012
Self-sustaining turbulence in a restricted nonlinear model of plane Couette flow
VL Thomas, BK Lieu, MR Jovanović, B Farell, P Ioannou, DF Gayme
Physics of Fluids 26, 105112, 2014
Profit maximizing storage allocation in power grids
A Castillo, DF Gayme
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 429-435, 2013
Fault detection system and method using augmented data and fuzzy logic
DF Gayme, SK Menon, EO Nwadiogbu, DW Mukavetz, CM Ball
US Patent 7,734,400, 2010
A minimal model of self-sustaining turbulence
VL Thomas, BF Farrell, PJ Ioannou, DF Gayme
Physics of Fluids 27 (10), 2015
論文 1–20