Asini Kumar Baliarsingh
Asini Kumar Baliarsingh
確認したメール アドレス: gcekbpatna.ac.in
Load frequency control of power system under deregulated environment using optimal firefly algorithm
GTC Sekhar, RK Sahu, AK Baliarsingh, S Panda
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 74, 195-211, 2016
Supplementary damping controller design for SSSC to mitigate sub-synchronous resonance
S Panda, AK Baliarsingh, S Mahapatra, SC Swain
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 68, 523-535, 2016
Optimal supplementary damping controller design for TCSC employing RCGA
S Panda, SC Swain, AK Baliarsingh, C Ardil
International Journal of Computational Intelligence 5 (1), 36-45, 2009
Efficiency analysis of mechanical reducer equipment of material handling industry using Sunflower Optimization Algorithm and Material Generation Algorithm
S Jena, S Jeet, DK Bagal, AK Baliarsingh, DR Nayak, A Barua
Materials Today: Proceedings 50, 1113-1122, 2022
Economic load dispatch using moderate random search PSO with ramp rate limit constraints
PM Dash, AK Baliarsingh, SK Mohapatra
2018 Technologies for Smart-City Energy Security and Power (ICSESP), 1-4, 2018
UPFC supplementary controller design using real-coded genetic algorithm for damping low frequency oscillations in power systems
AK Baliarsingh, S Panda, AK Mohanty, C Ardil
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems Engineering 3 …, 2010
SSSC-based controller design employing a multi-objective optimisation technique
S Panda, SC Swain, AK Baliarsingh, AK Mohanty
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 18 (3), 284-293, 2013
Multi-objective optimization technique for TCSC-based supplementary damping controller design
S Panda, AK Baliarsingh, RK Sahu
2009 World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC …, 2009
Differential evolution algorithm for simultaneous tuning of excitation and FACTS-based controller
S Panda, SC Swain, AK Baliarsingh
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 2 (6), 404-412, 2010
Hybrid African vulture optimization algorithm and pattern search tuned fractional order PID controller for AGC of electric vehicles integrated power systems
PM Dash, AK Baliarsingh, SK Mohapatra
International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 15 (2), 259-276, 2023
Tuning of LFC in multi-source electrical power systems implementing novel nature inspired MFO algorithm based controller parameter
PM Dash, SK Mohapatra, AK Baliarsingh
2020 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Smart Power …, 2020
Automatic generation control of power systems with unified power flow controller by improved grasshopper optimization algorithm
PM Dash, SK Mohapatra, AK Baliarsingh
2020 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Smart Power …, 2020
Predicting the effect of weather parameters on yield performance of tomato genotypes under late Rabi planting condition
S Yenda, S Das, S Swain, GS Sahu, A Baliarsingh, PN Jagadev, S Sarkar, ...
The Pharma Innovation Journal 7 (3), 439-446, 2018
Effect of date of sowing and moisture regime on growth and yield of summer groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.).
A Baliarsingh, PK Mahapatra
Multi-objective optimization with fuzzy based ranking for TCSC supplementary controller to improve rotor angle and voltage stability
S Panda, SC Swain, AK Baliarsingh, AK Mohanty, C Ardil
International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 3 (9), 2009
Application of PID controller-based automatic generation control for interconnected power system with governor dead-band non-linearity using MOL algorithm
MD Pabitra, SK Mohapatra, A Baliarsingh, R Das
Advances in Energy Technology: Proceedings of ICAET 2020, 25-35, 2020
Economic Load Dispatch Falicitating Moderate Random Search PSO
AK Baliarsingh
International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) 6 (9), 05-12, 2017
Solving Economic Load Dispatch Using WI-PSO
KC Meher, PP Mohanty, DP Das, SS Mohanty, AK Baliarsingh
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2014
Fractional Order PD (1+ PI) Controller for Frequency Control of Power System with Renewable Sources and Electric Vehicle.
AK Baliarsingh, SK Mohapatra, PM Dash
Electrica 24 (2), 2024
Power Quality Improvement using a Novel Controller in Shunt Active Power Filter
MN Iqbal, AK Baliarsingh, PS Puhan
2024 1st International Conference on Cognitive, Green and Ubiquitous …, 2024
論文 1–20