Dr Alok Choudhary
Dr Alok Choudhary
確認したメール アドレス: warwick.ac.uk
Data mining in manufacturing: a review based on the kind of knowledge
AK Choudhary, JA Harding, MK Tiwari
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 20, 501-521, 2009
Value stream mapping to reduce the lead-time of a product development process
S Tyagi, A Choudhary, X Cai, K Yang
International journal of production economics 160, 202-212, 2015
Sustainable agro-food supply chain design using two-stage hybrid multi-objective decision-making approach
H Allaoui, Y Guo, A Choudhary, J Bloemhof
Computers & Operations Research 89, 369-384, 2018
Risks in enterprise cloud computing: the perspective of IT experts
A Dutta, GCA Peng, A Choudhary
Journal of Computer Information Systems 53 (4), 39-48, 2013
The impact of Industry 4.0 on the reconciliation of dynamic capabilities: Evidence from the European manufacturing industries
A Felsbergera, FH Qaiser, A Choudhary, G Reiner
Production Planning & Control, xx, 2020
Tactical supply chain planning under a carbon tax policy scheme: A case study
B Fahimnia, J Sarkis, A Choudhary, A Eshragh
International Journal of Production Economics 164, 206-215, 2015
A carbon market sensitive optimization model for integrated forward–reverse logistics
A Choudhary, S Sarkar, S Settur, MK Tiwari
International Journal of Production Economics 164, 433-444, 2015
A big data MapReduce framework for fault diagnosis in cloud-based manufacturing
A Kumar, R Shankar, A Choudhary, LS Thakur
International Journal of Production Research 54 (23), 7060-7073, 2016
Development of an intelligent agent-based AGV controller for a flexible manufacturing system
SC Srivastava, AK Choudhary, S Kumar, MK Tiwari
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 36, 780-797, 2008
The needs and benefits of Text Mining applications on Post-Project Reviews
AK Choudhary, PI Oluikpe, JA Harding, PM Carrillo
Computers in Industry 60 (9), 728-740, 2009
Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Logistics: A Review and Bibliometric Analysis
F Qaiser, K Ahmed, M Sykora, A Choudhary
EWG-DSS 2016 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology …, 2016
Effects of driver work-rest patterns, lifestyle and payment incentives on long-haul truck driver sleepiness
K Mahajan, NR Velaga, A Kumar, A Choudhary, P Choudhary
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 366-382, 2019
Closed loop supply chain (CLSC): economics, modelling, management and control
D Battini, M Bogataj, A Choudhary
International Journal of Production Economics 183, 319-321, 2017
A decision support system based on ontology and data mining to improve design using warranty data
M Alkahtani, A Choudhary, A De, JA Harding
Computers & industrial engineering 128, 1027-1039, 2019
Multiobjective approach for sustainable ship routing and scheduling with draft restrictions
A De, A Choudhary, MK Tiwari
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 66 (1), 35-51, 2017
Impacts of speed variations on freeway crashes by severity and vehicle type
P Choudhary, M Imprialou, NR Velaga, A Choudhary
Accident Analysis & Prevention 121, 213-222, 2018
Lean tool selection in a die casting unit: a fuzzy-based decision support heuristic
RK Singh, S Kumar, AK Choudhury, MK Tiwari
International journal of production research 44 (7), 1399-1429, 2006
A decision model for a strategic closed-loop supply chain to reclaim End-of-Life Vehicles
R Shankar, S Bhattacharyya, A Choudhary
International Journal of Production Economics 195, 273-286, 2018
Knowledge discovery from post-project reviews
P Carrillo, J Harding, A Choudhary
Construction Management and Economics 29 (7), 713-723, 2011
Non-stationary stochastic inventory lot-sizing with emission and service level constraints in a carbon cap-and-trade system
AK Purohit, R Shankar, PK Dey, A Choudhary
Journal of Cleaner Production 113, 654-661, 2016
論文 1–20