ECE department, Haldia Institute of Technology
確認したメール アドレス: hithaldia.ac.in
Performance analysis of hybrid FSO systems using FSO/RF-FSO link adaptation
B Bag, A Das, IS Ansari, A Prokeš, C Bose, A Chandra
IEEE Photonics Journal 10 (3), 1-17, 2018
Free space optical links over Málaga turbulence channels with transmit and receive diversity
A Das, B Bag, C Bose, A Chandra
Optics Communications 456, 124591, 2020
Comparative study for delay & power dissipation of CMOS Inverter in UDSM range
J Samanta, BP De, B Bag, RK Maity
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) 1 (6), 6, 2012
Improving the performance of a DF relay-aided FSO system with an additional source–relay mmWave RF backup
B Bag, A Das, C Bose, A Chandra
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 12 (12), 390-402, 2020
Capacity analysis for Rayleigh/gamma-gamma mixed RF/FSO link with fixed-gain AF relay
B Bag, A Das, A Chandra, C Bose
IEICE Transactions on Communications 100 (10), 1747-1757, 2017
Performance analysis of MIMO FSO link with Alamouti coding and switch-and-examine combining
A Das, B Bag, C Bose, A Chandra
Photonic Network Communications 36, 350-360, 2018
A novel low-cost bidirectional multimedia data transmission using optical fiber in RoF system
B Bag, A Das, AS Das, S Mukherjee, AS Patra
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, WPo. 44, 2012
Capacity analysis for Rayleigh/gamma-gamma mixed RF/FSO relayed transmission
B Bag, A Das, A Chandra
2017 international conference on wireless communications, signal processing …, 2017
A novel radio over fiber system for long haul single mode fiber transmission
AS Das, B Bag, A Das, AS Patra
International journal of soft computing and Engineering 3, 12-15, 2013
Hybrid FSO/RF-FSO systems over generalized Málaga distributed channels with pointing errors
B Bag, A Das, C Bose, A Chandra
2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1-5, 2019
Performance analysis of FSO links employing a transmit and receive diversity-based operating system under Málaga turbulence channels with pointing errors
A Das, B Bag, C Bose, A Chandra
Optics Continuum 1 (2), 366-387, 2022
BER of MIMO FSO link with Alamouti coding and SEC
A Das, B Bag, A Chandra
2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing …, 2017
Performance analysis of fso links in turbulent atmosphere
B Bag, A Das, A Chandra, R Róka
Design, Implementation, and Analysis of Next Generation Optical Networks …, 2020
Injection-locked DFB laser diode in main and multiple side modes
B Bag, A Das, HH Lu, AS Patra
Int J Soft Comput Eng 1, 4-8, 2011
ABER of an FSO Link in Gamma-Gamma Turbulence with SSK and SEC
A Das, B Bag, C Bose, A Chandra
2021 IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Spring), 1-5, 2021
Link quality of a RF-assisted relayed FSO system under turbulence, pointing error and fading
B Bag, A Das, C Bose, A Chandra
2020 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication …, 2020
Optimal Design of Low-Voltage, Two-Stage CMOS Op-amp Using Evolutionary Techniques
BP De, KB Maji, B Bag, S Tripathi, R Kar, D Mandal, SP Ghoshal
Communication, Devices, and Computing: Proceedings of ICCDC 2017, 303-315, 2017
Performance analysis of dual-hop af relaying fso system using alamouti scheme over GG fading channel
B Bag, A Das, A Chandra
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, M4A. 56, 2014
Characterization of spatial consistency of cluster channels in urban environments at 24 and 60 ghz
N Suzuki, H Tsukada, R Takahashi, B Bag, M Kim
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 23 (5), 1583-1587, 2024
Millimeter-wave urban celluar channel characterization and recipe for high-precision site-specific channel simulation
H Tsukada, N Suzuki, B Bag, R Takahashi, M Kim
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024
論文 1–20