Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson Popoola
Oluwatoyin Muse Johnson Popoola
Assistant Professor, Universiti Utara Malaysia
確認したメール アドレス: uum.edu.my
Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and the usage of computerized accounting systems: A performance of micro and small enterprises (mses) in china
Z Lanlan, A Ahmi, OMJ Popoola
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering 8 (2), 324-331, 2019
Discovering the global landscape of fraud detection studies: a bibliometric review
AZ Mansour, A Ahmi, OMJ Popoola, A Znaimat
Journal of Financial Crime, 2021
The impact of audit committee, firm size, profitability, and leverage on income smoothing
V Indrawan, S Agoes, H Pangaribuan, OMJ Popoola
Indian-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance 2 (1), 61-74, 2018
An empirical investigation of fraud risk assessment and knowledge requirement on fraud related problem representation in Nigeria
OMJ Popoola, AB Che-Ahmad, RS Samsudin
Accounting Research Journal 28 (1), 78-97, 2015
The mediating effect between some determinants of SME performance in Nigeria
AM Shehu, MA Ibrahim, NKN Mat, A Nasiru, OMJ Popoola, ...
Management 3 (4), 237-242, 2013
Accountants’ Capability Requirements for Fraud Prevention and Detection in Nigeria
OMJ Popoola, A Che-Ahmad, RS Samsudin, K Salleh, A Babatunde
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 6, S4, 2016
Forensic Accounting and Fraud: Capability and Competence Requirements in Malaysia
OMJ Popoola, A Che-Ahmad, RS Samsudin
The personality factor of conscientiousness on skills requirement and fraud risk assessment performance
AA Ala’a Zuhair Mansour, OMJ Popoola
International Journal of Financial Research 11 (2), 405-415, 2020
The Impact of Disclosure Quality on Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: Evidence from Companies in Indonesia
C Jatiningrum, MA Abdul-Hamid, OMJ Popoola
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 6 (4S), 118-125, 2016
Forensic accountants, auditors and fraud capability and competence requirements in the Nigerian public sector
OMJ Popoola
Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2014
The influence of agency conflict types I and II on earnings management
V Ratnawati, MA Abdul-Hamid, OM Johnson Popoola
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 6 (4), 126-132, 2016
Capability component of fraud and fraud prevention in the Saudi Arabian banking sector
R Baz, RS Samsudin, A Che-Ahmad, OMJ Popoola
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 6, S4, 2016
Impact of task performance fraud risk assessment on forensic skills and mindsets: Experience from Nigeria
OMJ Popoola, A Che-Ahmad, RS Samsudin
Forensic Accounting Knowledge and Mindset on Task Performance Fraud Risk Assessment
OMJ Popoola, A Che-Ahmad, RS Samsudin
Effects of detoxified Jatropha curcas protein isolate on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and physio‐metabolic response of Labeo rohita fingerlings
FJ Fawole, NP Sahu, N Shamna, V Phulia, BO Emikpe, AA Adeoye, ...
Aquaculture Nutrition 24 (4), 1223-1233, 2018
Government internet financial reporting in the African countries
I Yuhertiana, L Arief, FS Akbar, DS Puspitasari, OMJ Popoola
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020
The forensic accountants' skills and ethics on fraud prevention in the Nigerian public sector
LS Ademola, AB Ch-Ahmad, OMJ Popoola
Academic Journal of Economic Studies 3 (4), 77-85, 2017
National Culture and Sustainability Disclosure Practices: A Literature Review
BS Adedeji, OMJ Popoola, TS Ong
Indian-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Finance 1 (1), 26-48, 2017
The interaction effect of institutional ownership and firm size on the relationship between managerial ownership and earnings management
OMJ Popoola, V Ratnawati, MAA Hamid
Forensic accounting knowledge and skills on task performance fraud risk assessment: Nigerian public sector experience
OMJ Popoola, A Che-Ahmad, RS Samsudin
論文 1–20