Chryssoula Lemonidou
Chryssoula Lemonidou
Emeritus Professor, Nursing Department, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
確認したメール アドレス: nurs.uoa.gr
Professional autonomy, collaboration with physicians, and moral distress among European intensive care nurses
EDE Papathanassoglou, MNK Karanikola, M Kalafati, M Giannakopoulou, ...
American Journal of Critical Care 21 (2), e41-e52, 2012
Privacy: a review of the literature
H Leino-Kilpi, M Välimäki, T Dassen, M Gasull, C Lemonidou, A Scott, ...
International journal of nursing studies 38 (6), 663-671, 2001
Patient satisfaction: a key concept for evaluating and improving nursing services.
A Merkouris, J Ifantopoulos, V Lanara
Journal of nursing management 7 (1), 19-28, 1999
Evaluation of patient satisfaction with nursing care: quantitative or qualitative approach?
A Merkouris, EDE Papathanassoglou, C Lemonidou
International journal of nursing studies 41 (4), 355-367, 2004
Attitudes and knowledge of the Greek nursing students towards older people
E Lambrinou, P Sourtzi, A Kalokerinou, C Lemonidou
Nurse education today 29 (6), 617-622, 2009
Patient's autonomy, privacy and informed consent
H Leino-Kilpi
IOS press, 2000
The value of nurses’ codes: European nurses’ views
W Tadd, A Clarke, L Lloyd, H Leino-Kilpi, C Strandell, C Lemonidou, ...
Nursing Ethics 13 (4), 376-393, 2006
Medication errors in critically ill adults: a review of direct observation evidence
P Kiekkas, M Karga, C Lemonidou, D Aretha, M Karanikolas
American Journal of Critical Care 20 (1), 36-44, 2011
Influence of shiftwork on Greek nursing personnel
A Korompeli, O Muurlink, C Tzavara, E Velonakis, C Lemonidou, P Sourtzi
Safety and health at work 5 (2), 73-79, 2014
Moral professional personhood: ethical reflections during initial clinical encounters in nursing education
C Lemonidou, E Papathanassoglou, M Giannakopoulou, E Patiraki, ...
Nursing ethics 11 (2), 122-137, 2004
A comparison of surgical patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of patients’ autonomy, privacy and informed consent in nursing interventions
C Lemonidou, A Merkouris, H Leino-Kilpi, M Välimäki, T Dassen, M Gasull, ...
Clinical Effectiveness in Nursing 7 (2), 73-83, 2003
The relationship between individualized care and the practice environment: an international study
E Papastavrou, R Acaroglu, M Sendir, A Berg, G Efstathiou, E Idvall, ...
International journal of nursing studies 52 (1), 121-133, 2015
An international study of hospitalized cancer patients’ health status, nursing care quality, perceived individuality in care and trust in nurses: A path analysis
A Charalambous, L Radwin, A Berg, K Sjovall, E Patiraki, C Lemonidou, ...
International journal of nursing studies 61, 176-186, 2016
Nurses’ perceptions of individualized care: an international comparison
R Suhonen, E Papastavrou, G Efstathiou, C Lemonidou, M Kalafati, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 67 (9), 1895-1907, 2011
Perceptions of privacy in the care of elderly people in five European countries
A Schopp, H Leino-Kilpi, M Välimäki, T Dassen, M Gasull, C Lemonidou, ...
Nursing ethics 10 (1), 39-47, 2003
Autonomy, privacy and informed consent 3: elderly care perspective
PA Scott, M Välimäki, H Leino-Kilpi, T Dassen, M Gasull, C Lemonidou, ...
British Journal of Nursing 12 (3), 158-168, 2003
Ethical codes in nursing practice: the viewpoint of Finnish, Greek and Italian nurses
A Heikkinen, C Lemonidou, K Petsios, R Sala, G Barazzetti, S Radaelli, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 55 (3), 310-319, 2006
Efficacy of CPR in a general, adult ICU
P Myrianthefs, M Kalafati, C Lemonidou, E Minasidou, P Evagelopoulou, ...
Resuscitation 57 (1), 43-48, 2003
Reliability and validity of the Greek version of Kogan's Old People Scale
E Lambrinou, P Sourtzi, A Kalokerinou, C Lemonidou
Journal of Clinical Nursing 14 (10), 1241-1247, 2005
A randomized controlled trial of an educational intervention on Hellenic nursing staff's knowledge and attitudes on cancer pain management
EI Patiraki, EDE Papathanassoglou, C Tafas, V Akarepi, SG Katsaragakis, ...
European journal of oncology nursing 10 (5), 337-352, 2006
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