Projeto de pesquisa: entenda e faça MAF Costa, MFB Costa Projeto de pesquisa: entenda e faça, 136-136, 2011 | 299 | 2011 |
The million-dollar question: can internships boost employment? P Silva, B Lopes, M Costa, AI Melo, GP Dias, E Brito, D Seabra Studies in Higher Education 43 (1), 2-21, 2018 | 260 | 2018 |
Metodologia da pesquisa: conceitos e técnicas MAF da Costa, MFB da Costa Interciência, 2009 | 259 | 2009 |
Stairway to employment? Internships in higher education P Silva, B Lopes, M Costa, D Seabra, AI Melo, E Brito, GP Dias Higher Education 72, 703-721, 2016 | 253 | 2016 |
Measurement of fiducial and differential production cross-sections at TeV with the ATLAS detector M Aaboud, G Aad, B Abbott, DC Abbott, AA Abud, DK Abhayasinghe, ... The European Physical Journal C 79 (10), 1-34, 2019 | 164 | 2019 |
Manual para el educador social M Costa, EL Méndez, J del Llano Señaris, MTE Panadero Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Centro de Publicaciones, 1994 | 144 | 1994 |
Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on rehabilitation services and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine physicians' activities in Italy. An official document of the Italian PRM Society … P Boldrini, A Bernetti, P Fiore, SIMFER Executive Committee European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 56 (3), 316-318, 2020 | 143 | 2020 |
Data center infrastructure management system having real time enhanced reality tablet BA Khuti, RL Miller, R Pestone, R Hudaihed, M Costa, T Rigsby US Patent 10,078,812, 2018 | 127 | 2018 |
Environmental effect on the fatigue degradation of adhesive joints: a review M Costa, G Viana, LFM Da Silva, R Campilho The Journal of Adhesion 93 (1-2), 127-146, 2017 | 126 | 2017 |
Overview of different strength prediction techniques for single-lap bonded joints C De Sousa, R Campilho, EAS Marques, M Costa, LFM da Silva Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
Lixo no ambiente marinho MCB ARAÚJO, MF COSTA Ciência hoje 32 (191), 64-67, 2003 | 84 | 2003 |
Outcomes and cost evaluation of the first two rounds of a colorectal cancer screening program based on immunochemical fecal occult blood test in northern Italy F Parente, C Boemo, A Ardizzoia, M Costa, P Carzaniga, A Ilardo, ... Endoscopy 45 (01), 27-34, 2013 | 80 | 2013 |
Results of a decellularized porcine heart valve implanted into the juvenile sheep model PM Dohmen, F Da Costa, SV Lopes, S Yoshi, FP Da Souza, R Vilani, ... The heart surgery forum 8 (2), E100-E104, 2005 | 66 | 2005 |
Qualidade em biossegurança MAF Costa Qualidade em biossegurança, 100-100, 2000 | 62 | 2000 |
Agitação marítima na costa portuguesa M Costa Anais do Instituto Hidrográfico 13 (1994), 35-40, 1994 | 62 | 1994 |
Educação em biossegurança: contribuições pedagógicas para a formação profissional em saúde MAF Costa, MFB Costa Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 15, 1741-1750, 2010 | 58 | 2010 |
The prognostic roles of gender and O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase methylation status in glioblastoma patients: the female power E Franceschi, A Tosoni, S Minichillo, R Depenni, A Paccapelo, S Bartolini, ... World neurosurgery 112, e342-e347, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Combustion kinetics and particle fragmentation of raw and torrified pine shells and olive stones in a drop tube furnace FF Costa, G Wang, M Costa Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (3), 3591-3599, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Biossegurança. com MAF Costa | 54* | 2006 |
Biossegurança: ambientes hospitalares e odontológicos MAF Costa, MFB Costa, NSFO Melo Biossegurança: ambientes hospitalares e odontológicos, 130-130, 2000 | 51 | 2000 |