David Laverty
STRIDE-based threat modeling for cyber-physical systems
R Khan, K McLaughlin, D Laverty, S Sezer
2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2017
STPA-SafeSec: Safety and security analysis for cyber-physical systems
I Friedberg, K McLaughlin, P Smith, D Laverty, S Sezer
Journal of Information Security and Applications 34, 183-196, 2017
Threat Analysis of BlackEnergy Malware for Synchrophasor based Real-time Control and Monitoring in Smart Grid
R Khan, P Maynard, K McLaughlin, D Laverty, S Sezer
4th Int'l Symposium ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research. BCS, 53-63, 2016
The OpenPMU Platform for Open-Source Phasor Measurements
DM Laverty, RJ Best, P Brogan, I Al Khatib, L Vanfretti, DJ Morrow
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on 62 (4), 701-709, 2013
Real-time multiple event detection and classification using moving window pca
M Rafferty, X Liu, DM Laverty, S McLoone
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (5), 2537-2548, 2016
Telecommunications for smart grid: Backhaul solutions for the distribution network
DM Laverty, DJ Morrow, R Best, PA Crossley
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010 IEEE, 1-6, 2010
Principal Component Analysis of Wide-Area Phasor Measurements for Islanding Detection—A Geometric View
X Liu, DM Laverty, RJ Best, K Li, DJ Morrow, S McLoone
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 30 (2), 976-985, 2015
Synchrophasor-Based Islanding Detection for Distributed Generation Systems Using Systematic Principal Component Analysis Approaches
Y Guo, K Li, DM Laverty, Y Xue
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on 30 (6), 2544-2552, 2015
Loss-of-mains protection system by application of phasor measurement unit technology with experimentally assessed threshold settings
DM Laverty, RJ Best, DJ Morrow
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (2), 146-153, 2015
Synchrophasor broadcast over internet protocol for distributed generator synchronization
RJ Best, DJ Morrow, DM Laverty, PA Crossley
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4), 2835-2841, 2010
Exploring the sustainability challenges facing digitalization and internet data centers
D Al Kez, AM Foley, D Laverty, DF Del Rio, B Sovacool
Journal of Cleaner Production 371, 133633, 2022
GPS-Disciplined Analog-to-Digital Converter for Phasor Measurement Applications
X Zhao, DM Laverty, A McKernan, DJ Morrow, K McLaughlin, S Sezer
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 66 (9), 2349-2357, 2017
Customer engagement strategies in retail electricity markets: A comprehensive and comparative review
H Hampton, A Foley, DF Del Rio, B Smyth, D Laverty, B Caulfield
Energy Research & Social Science 90, 102611, 2022
Analysis of IEEE C37. 118 and IEC 61850-90-5 synchrophasor communication frameworks
R Khan, K McLaughlin, D Laverty, S Sezer
2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2016
Load modelling and non-intrusive load monitoring to integrate distributed energy resources in low and medium voltage networks
AFM Jaramillo, DM Laverty, DJ Morrow, JM del Rincon, AM Foley
Renewable Energy 179, 445-466, 2021
Heating and cooling networks: A comprehensive review of modelling approaches to map future directions
A Brown, A Foley, D Laverty, S McLoone, P Keatley
Energy, 125060, 2022
Design and Implementation of Security Gateway for Synchrophasor Based Real-Time Control and Monitoring in Smart Grid
R Khan, K Mclaughlin, D Laverty, S Sezer
IEEE Access 5, 11626-11644, 2017
Wide Area Phase Angle Measurements for Islanding Detection-An Adaptive Nonlinear Approach
X Liu, J Kennedy, D Laverty, D Morrow, S McLoone
Techniques for multiple-set synchronous islanding control
RJ Best, DJ Morrow, DM Laverty, PA Crossley
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2 (1), 60-67, 2011
IEEE C37. 118-2 Synchrophasor Communication Framework-Overview, Cyber Vulnerabilities Analysis and Performance Evaluation.
R Khan, K McLaughlin, DM Laverty, S Sezer
ICISSP, 167-178, 2016
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