オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Gail Kaiser詳細
一般には非公開: 3 件
Side channel attack on smartphone sensors to infer gender of the user
S Singh, DM Shila, G Kaiser
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, 436-437, 2019
委任: US National Science Foundation
The weHelp reference architecture for community-driven recommender systems
S Sheth, N Arora, C Murphy, G Kaiser
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Recommendation Systems for …, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Effecting Runtime Reconfiguration in Managed Execution Environments
R Griffith, G Valetto, G Kaiser
Autonomic Computing, 393-412, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation
一般公開: 79 件
Testing and validating machine learning classifiers by metamorphic testing
X Xie, JWK Ho, C Murphy, G Kaiser, B Xu, TY Chen
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (4), 544-558, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Application of metamorphic testing to supervised classifiers
X Xie, J Ho, C Murphy, G Kaiser, B Xu, TY Chen
2009 Ninth International Conference on Quality Software, 135-144, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Automatic system testing of programs without test oracles
C Murphy, K Shen, G Kaiser
Proceedings of the eighteenth international symposium on Software testing …, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Phosphor: Illuminating dynamic data flow in commodity jvms
J Bell, G Kaiser
ACM Sigplan Notices 49 (10), 83-101, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Unit test virtualization with VMVM
J Bell, G Kaiser
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Efficient dependency detection for safe Java test acceleration
J Bell, G Kaiser, E Melski, M Dattatreya
Proceedings of the 2015 10th joint meeting on foundations of software …, 2015
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Retina: helping students and instructors based on observed programming activities
C Murphy, G Kaiser, K Loveland, S Hasan
Proceedings of the 40th ACM technical symposium on Computer Science …, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Us and them: a study of privacy requirements across North America, Asia, and Europe
S Sheth, G Kaiser, W Maalej
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Neural network guided evolutionary fuzzing for finding traffic violations of autonomous vehicles
Z Zhong, G Kaiser, B Ray
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (4), 1860-1875, 2022
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Quality assurance of software applications using the in vivo testing approach
C Murphy, G Kaiser, I Vo, M Chu
2009 International Conference on Software Testing Verification and …, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Using JML runtime assertion checking to automate metamorphic testing in applications without test oracles
C Murphy, K Shen, G Kaiser
2009 International Conference on Software Testing Verification and …, 2009
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Code relatives: detecting similarly behaving software
FH Su, J Bell, K Harvey, S Sethumadhavan, G Kaiser, T Jebara
Proceedings of the 2016 24th acm sigsoft international symposium on …, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
Chronicler: Lightweight recording to reproduce field failures
J Bell, N Sarda, G Kaiser
2013 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 362-371, 2013
委任: US National Institutes of Health
VELVET: a noVel Ensemble Learning approach to automatically locate VulnErable sTatements
Y Ding, S Suneja, Y Zheng, J Laredo, A Morari, G Kaiser, B Ray
2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and …, 2022
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Secret ninja testing with HALO software engineering
J Bell, S Sheth, G Kaiser
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Social software engineering …, 2011
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Improving efficiency and reliability of building systems using machine learning and automated online evaluation
L Wu, G Kaiser, D Solomon, R Winter, A Boulanger, R Anderson
2012 IEEE Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT …, 2012
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Identifying functionally similar code in complex codebases
FH Su, J Bell, G Kaiser, S Sethumadhavan
2016 ieee 24th international conference on program comprehension (icpc), 1-10, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation
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