Haifeng Liu
Haifeng Liu
IBM Research - China
確認したメール アドレス: cn.ibm.com
Predicting trusts among users of online communities: an epinions case study
H Liu, EP Lim, HW Lauw, MT Le, A Sun, J Srivastava, YA Kim
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 310-319, 2008
Complete depolymerization of PET wastes by an evolved PET hydrolase from directed evolution
L Shi, P Liu, Z Tan, W Zhao, J Gao, Q Gu, H Ma, H Liu, L Zhu
Angewandte Chemie 135 (14), e202218390, 2023
An overview of polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers as alternative fuel for compression ignition engines
J Liu, L Wang, P Wang, P Sun, H Liu, Z Meng, L Zhang, H Ma
Fuel 318, 123582, 2022
Investigation on the ignition delay prediction model of multi-component surrogates based on back propagation (BP) neural network
Y Cui, H Liu, Q Wang, Z Zheng, H Wang, Z Yue, Z Ming, M Wen, L Feng, ...
Combustion and Flame 237, 111852, 2022
Effects of various co-solvents on the solubility between blends of soybean oil with either methanol or ethanol
C Jin, X Zhang, Z Geng, X Pang, X Wang, J Ji, G Wang, H Liu
Fuel 244, 461-471, 2019
Building a web of trust without explicit trust ratings
YA Kim, MT Le, HW Lauw, EP Lim, H Liu, J Srivastava
2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshop, 531-536, 2008
Multi-step biocatalytic depolymerization of lignin
P Picart, H Liu, PM Grande, N Anders, L Zhu, J Klankermayer, W Leitner, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 101, 6277-6287, 2017
Trust relationship prediction using online product review data
N Ma, EP Lim, VA Nguyen, A Sun, H Liu
Proceedings of the 1st ACM international workshop on Complex networks meet …, 2009
Study on the flame development patterns and flame speeds from homogeneous charge to stratified charge by fueling n-heptane in an optical engine
Z Zheng, X Fang, H Liu, C Geng, Z Yang, L Feng, Y Wang, M Yao
Combustion and Flame 199, 213-229, 2019
Research and development of large-scale coal gasification technology
F Wang, G YU, X Gong, H Liu, Y Wang, Q Liang
Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress 28 (2), 173, 2009
Integrated machine learning approaches for predicting ischemic stroke and thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation
X Li, H Liu, X Du, P Zhang, G Hu, G Xie, S Guo, M Xu, X Xie
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2016, 799, 2017
Secondary breakup of coal water slurry drops
H Zhao, HF Liu, JL Xu, WF Li
Physics of Fluids 23 (11), 2011
Influence of alkaline additive on viscosity of coal water slurry
C Wang, H Zhao, Z Dai, W Li, H Liu
Fuel 235, 639-646, 2019
A theoretical and experimental study on the effects of parameters of two-stage turbocharging system on performance of a heavy-duty diesel engine
Z Zheng, H Feng, B Mao, H Liu, M Yao
Applied Thermal Engineering 129, 822-832, 2018
Regression models for estimating product life cycle cost
H Liu, V Gopalkrishnan, KTN Quynh, WK Ng
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 20, 401-408, 2009
Development and demonstration plant operation of an opposed multi-burner coal-water slurry gasification technology
F Wang, Z Zhou, Z Dai, X Gong, G Yu, H Liu, Y Wang, Z Yu
Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China 1, 251-258, 2007
A numerical study of spray/wall impingement based on droplet impact phenomenon
T Ma, L Feng, H Wang, H Liu, M Yao
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 112, 401-412, 2017
Nitrogen conversion under rapid pyrolysis of two types of aquatic biomass and corresponding blends with coal
S Yuan, X Chen, W Li, H Liu, F Wang
Bioresource technology 102 (21), 10124-10130, 2011
Image clustering with tensor representation
X He, D Cai, H Liu, J Han
Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia …, 2005
Effects of flame temperature on PAHs and soot evolution in partially premixed and diffusion flames of a diesel surrogate
H Liu, Y Cui, B Chen, DC Kyritsis, Q Tang, L Feng, Y Wang, Z Li, C Geng, ...
Energy & fuels 33 (11), 11821-11829, 2019
論文 1–20