オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Idiano D'Adamo詳細
一般には非公開: 1 件
A socio-economic indicator for EoL strategies for bio-based products
I D'Adamo, PM Falcone, E Imbert, P Morone
Ecological Economics 178, 106794, 2020
委任: European Commission
一般公開: 14 件
Modelling the correlations of e-waste quantity with economic increase
AK Awasthi, F Cucchiella, I D'Adamo, J Li, P Rosa, S Terzi, G Wei, X Zeng
Science of the Total Environment 613, 46-53, 2018
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Recycling of end-of-life vehicles: Assessing trends and performances in Europe
I D'Adamo, M Gastaldi, P Rosa
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 152, 119887, 2020
委任: Government of Italy
A new socio-economic indicator to measure the performance of bioeconomy sectors in Europe
I D'Adamo, PM Falcone, P Morone
Ecological Economics 176, 106724, 2020
委任: European Commission
Consumer willingness to pay for bio-based products: Do certifications matter?
P Morone, R Caferra, I D'Adamo, PM Falcone, E Imbert, A Morone
International Journal of Production Economics 240, 108248, 2021
委任: European Commission
The post COVID-19 green recovery in practice: Assessing the profitability of a policy proposal on residential photovoltaic plants
I D'Adamo, M Gastaldi, P Morone
Energy Policy 147, 111910, 2020
委任: Government of Italy
Smart and sustainable bioeconomy platform: A new approach towards Sustainability
G D’Amico, K Szopik-Depczyńska, R Beltramo, I D’Adamo, G Ioppolo
Sustainability 14 (1), 466, 2022
委任: European Commission
Industry 4.0 driven result-oriented PSS: An assessment in the energy management
C Sassanelli, T Arriga, S Zanin, I D'Adamo, S Terzi
International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 12 (4), 186-203, 2022
委任: European Commission
Reflective backward analysis to assess the operational performance and eco-efficiency of two industrial districts
A Appolloni, I D'Adamo, M Gastaldi, M Yazdani, D Settembre-Blundo
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 72 (6 …, 2023
委任: Government of Italy
Monitoring the performance of sustainable development goals in the Italian regions
I D’Adamo, M Gastaldi
Sustainability 15 (19), 14094, 2023
委任: Government of Italy
Equitable and sustainable well‐being indicators: A study of Italian regional disparities towards sustainable development
I D'Adamo, C Di Carlo, M Gastaldi, AF Uricchio
Sustainable Development 32 (5), 5538-5549, 2024
委任: European Commission
Sustainability, emission trading system and carbon leakage: An approach based on neural networks and multicriteria analysis
I D'Adamo, M Gastaldi, C Hachem-Vermette, R Olivieri
Sustainable Operations and Computers 4, 147-157, 2023
委任: Government of Italy
Circular manufacturing ecosystems: Automotive printed circuit boards recycling as an enabler of the economic development
G Cozza, I D’Adamo, P Rosa
Production & Manufacturing Research 11 (1), 2182837, 2023
委任: European Commission
Assessing the transition towards bioeconomy through a socio-economic indicator
I D’Adamo, PM Falcone, P Morone
委任: European Commission
Survey data for assessing the socio-economic performance of End of Life options of a bio-based product based on expert knowledge
I D'Adamo, PM Falcone, E Imbert, P Morone
Data in Brief 32, 106199, 2020
委任: European Commission
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