Prof. Jiankun Hu
Prof. Jiankun Hu
University of New South Wales, Canberra
確認したメール アドレス: adfa.edu.au - ホームページ
A survey of network anomaly detection techniques
M Ahmed, AN Mahmood, J Hu
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 60, 19-31, 2016
A Comprehensive Survey of Privacy-preserving Federated Learning: A Taxonomy, Review, and Future Directions
X Yin, Y Zhu, J Hu
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (6), 1-36, 2021
A semantic approach to host-based intrusion detection systems using contiguousand discontiguous system call patterns
G Creech, J Hu
IEEE Transactions on Computers 63 (4), 807-819, 2013
Generation of a new IDS test dataset: Time to retire the KDD collection
G Creech, J Hu
2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 4487-4492, 2013
A fingerprint orientation model based on 2D Fourier expansion (FOMFE) and its application to singular-point detection and fingerprint indexing
Y Wang, J Hu, D Phillips
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 29 (4), 573-585, 2007
Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing With Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage
W Shen, J Qin, J Yu, R Hao, J Hu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (2), 331-346, 2019
A holistic review of Network Anomaly Detection Systems: A comprehensive survey
N Moustafa, J Hu, J Slay
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 128, 33-55, 2019
Security and Accuracy of Fingerprint-Based Biometrics: A Review
W Yang, S Wang, J Hu, G Zheng, C Valli
Symmetry 11 (2), 141, 2019
Energy Big data analytics and security: challenges and opportunities
J Hu, AV Vasilakos
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (5), 2423-2436, 2016
A novel statistical technique for intrusion detection systems
E Kabir, J Hu, H Wang, G Zhuo
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 303-318, 2018
A simple and efficient hidden Markov model scheme for host-based anomaly intrusion detection
J Hu, X Yu, D Qiu, HH Chen
IEEE network 23 (1), 42-47, 2009
Generating realistic intrusion detection system dataset based on fuzzy qualitative modeling
W Haider, J Hu, J Slay, BP Turnbull, Y Xie
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 87, 185-192, 2017
A fingerprint and finger-vein based cancelable multi-biometric system
W Yang, S Wang, J Hu, G Zheng, C Valli
Pattern Recognition 78, 242-251, 2018
A framework for distributed key management schemes in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
K Lu, Y Qian, J Hu
Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference, 2006. IPCCC 2006 …, 2006
Alignment-free cancelable fingerprint template design: A densely infinite-to-one mapping (DITOM) approach
S Wang, J Hu
Pattern Recognition 45 (12), 4129-4137, 2012
An efficient privacy-preserving ranked keyword search method
C Chen, X Zhu, P Shen, J Hu, S Guo, Z Tari, AY Zomaya
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (4), 951-963, 2016
Detection of denial-of-service attacks based on computer vision techniques
Z Tan, A Jamdagni, X He, P Nanda, RP Liu, J Hu
IEEE transactions on computers 64 (9), 2519-2533, 2015
Pair-polar coordinate-based cancelable fingerprint templates
T Ahmad, J Hu, S Wang
Pattern Recognition 44 (10-11), 2555-2564, 2011
An integrated framework for privacy-preserving based anomaly detection for cyber-physical systems
M Keshk, E Sitnikova, N Moustafa, J Hu, I Khalil
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 6 (1), 66-79, 2019
Scalable hypergrid k-NN-based online anomaly detection in wireless sensor networks
M Xie, J Hu, S Han, HH Chen
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (8), 1661-1670, 2013
論文 1–20