Daniel D. Heikoop
Daniel D. Heikoop
Postdoc Researcher, Delft University of Psychology
確認したメール アドレス: tudelft.nl - ホームページ
Effects of platooning on signal-detection performance, workload, and stress: A driving simulator study
DD Heikoop, JCF de Winter, B van Arem, NA Stanton
Applied ergonomics 60, 116-127, 2017
Acclimatizing to automation: Driver workload and stress during partially automated car following in real traffic
DD Heikoop, JCF de Winter, B van Arem, NA Stanton
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 65, 503-517, 2019
Psychological constructs in driving automation: a consensus model and critical comment on construct proliferation
DD Heikoop, JCF de Winter, B van Arem, NA Stanton
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 17 (3), 284-303, 2016
Effects of mental demands on situation awareness during platooning: A driving simulator study
DD Heikoop, JCF de Winter, B van Arem, NA Stanton
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 193-209, 2018
Human behaviour with automated driving systems: a quantitative framework for meaningful human control
DD Heikoop, M Hagenzieker, G Mecacci, S Calvert, F Santoni De Sio, ...
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 20 (6), 711-730, 2019
Gaps in the control of automated vehicles on roads
SC Calvert, B van Arem, DD Heikoop, M Hagenzieker, G Mecacci, ...
IEEE intelligent transportation systems magazine 13 (4), 146-153, 2020
A human centric framework for the analysis of automated driving systems based on meaningful human control
SC Calvert, DD Heikoop, G Mecacci, B Van Arem
TheoreTical issues in ergonomics science 21 (4), 478-506, 2020
Automated bus systems in Europe: A systematic review of passenger experience and road user interaction
DD Heikoop, JPN Velasco, R Boersma, T Bjørnskau, MP Hagenzieker
Advances in Transport Policy and Planning 5, 51-71, 2020
Full platoon control in truck platooning: a meaningful human control perspective
SC Calvert, G Mecacci, DD Heikoop, FS De Sio
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2018
Realising meaningful human control over automated driving systems: a multidisciplinary approach
FS de Sio, G Mecacci, S Calvert, D Heikoop, M Hagenzieker, B van Arem
Minds and machines 33 (4), 587-611, 2023
Automated buses in Europe: An inventory of pilots
M Hagenzieker, R Boersma, PN Velasco, M Ozturker, I Zubin, D Heikoop
version 0.5. TU Delft, 2020
A practitioner’s view of driver training for automated driving from driving examiners: A focus group discussion
DD Heikoop, SC Calvert, G Mecacci, MP Hagenzieker
2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (FISTS), 14-19, 2020
Automated buses in Europe
M Hagenzieker, R Boersma, JPN Velasco, M Ozturker, I Zubin, D Heikop
An Inventory of Pilots “, Version 0.5. TU Delft, 2020
Automated buses in Europe: An inventory of pilots: Final version (final version ed.). TU Delft
MP Hagenzieker, R Boersma, P Nuñez Velasco, M Ozturker, I Zubin, ...
Automated buses in Europe: An inventory of pilots: Version 1.0
M Hagenzieker, R Boersma, PN Velasco, M Ozturker, I Zubin, D Heikoop
Meaningful Human Control over Automated Driving Systems
DD Heikoop, M Hagenzieker, G Mecacci, F Santoni De Sio, S Calvert, ...
6th Humanist Conference, 2018
How do cyclists interact with automated buses? An overview of research findings
M Hagenzieker, D Heikoop, P Nuñez Velasco, R Boersma, T Bjørnskau
International Cycling Safety Conference, 2019
How to ensure control of cooperative vehicle and truck platoons using meaningful human control
SC Calvert, G Mecacci, DD Heikoop, R Janssen
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 21 (2), 95-119, 2021
Driver Psychology during Automated Platooning
D Heikoop
Using mobile devices for driving test assessment: a study of acceleration and GPS data
T Driessen, D Stefan, D Heikoop, D Dodou, J de Winter
Transportation Letters, 1-11, 2024
論文 1–20