Priscilla Ennals
Priscilla Ennals
Neami National
確認したメール アドレス: neaminational.org.au
Community‐based social interventions for people with severe mental illness: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of recent evidence
H Killaspy, C Harvey, C Brasier, L Brophy, P Ennals, J Fletcher, ...
World Psychiatry 21 (1), 96-123, 2022
Navigating the complexity of disability support in tertiary education: perspectives of students and disability service staff
E Fossey, L Chaffey, A Venville, P Ennals, J Douglas, C Bigby
International Journal of Inclusive Education 21 (8), 822-832, 2017
Shifting occupational identity: Doing, being, becoming and belonging in the academy
P Ennals, T Fortune, A Williams, K D'Cruz
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (3), 433-446, 2016
Supporting students with invisible disabilities: A scoping review of postsecondary education for students with mental illness or an acquired brain injury
A Venville, M Mealings, P Ennals, J Oates, E Fossey, J Douglas, C Bigby
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 63 (6), 571-592, 2016
Postsecondary study and mental ill-health: a meta-synthesis of qualitative research exploring students’ lived experiences
P Ennals, E Fossey, L Howie
Journal of Mental Health 24 (2), 111-119, 2015
Mental health service user and worker experiences of psychosocial support via telehealth through the COVID-19 pandemic: qualitative study
A Venville, S O'Connor, H Roeschlein, P Ennals, G McLoughlan, ...
JMIR Mental Health 8 (8), e29671, 2021
Bridging identity ‘chasms’: Occupational therapy academics’ reflections on the journey towards scholarship
T Fortune, P Ennals, A Bhopti, C Neilson, S Darzins, C Bruce
Teaching in Higher Education 21 (3), 313-325, 2016
Postsecondary education: Kindling opportunities for people with mental illness
P Ennals, EM Fossey, CA Harvey, E Killackey
Asia‐Pacific Psychiatry 6 (2), 115-119, 2014
Identifying educational priorities for occupational therapy students to prepare for mental health practice in A ustralia and N ew Z ealand: Opinions of practising occupational …
JN Scanlan, G Pepin, K Haracz, P Ennals, JS Webster, PJ Meredith, ...
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 62 (5), 286-298, 2015
The Occupational Performance History Interview in community mental health case management: Consumer and occupational therapist perspectives
P Ennals, E Fossey
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 54 (1), 11-21, 2007
Supporting Tertiary Students with Disabilities: Individualised and Institution-Level Approaches in Practice. Research Report.
E Fossey, L Chaffey, A Venville, P Ennals, J Douglas, C Bigby
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2015
Supporting scholarly identity and practice: Narratives of occupational therapy academics
KA Carra, T Fortune, P Ennals, K D’Cruz, H Kohn
British Journal of Occupational Therapy 80 (8), 502-509, 2017
Using the OPHI-II to support people with mental illness in their recovery
P Ennals, E Fossey
Occupational Therapy in Mental Health 25 (2), 138-150, 2009
Managing reading and related literacy difficulties: University students’ perspectives
T Serry, J Oates, P Ennals, A Venville, A Williams, E Fossey, G Steel
Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 23 (1), 5-30, 2018
Implementing an action over inertia group program in community residential rehabilitation services: group participant and facilitator perspectives
EF Rees, P Ennals, E Fossey
Frontiers in psychiatry 12, 624803, 2021
Narrative enquiry and health research
P Ennals, K D'Cruz, L Howie
La Trobe, 2022
Vocational service models and approaches to improve job tenure of people with severe and enduring mental illness: A narrative review
C McDowell, P Ennals, E Fossey
Frontiers in psychiatry 12, 668716, 2021
Outcomes of an individual placement and support programme incorporating principles of the collaborative recovery model
JN Scanlan, K Feder, P Ennals, N Hancock
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 66 (4), 519-529, 2019
Mental health education in occupational therapy professional preparation programs: Alignment between clinician priorities and coverage in university curricula
JN Scanlan, PJ Meredith, K Haracz, P Ennals, G Pépin, JS Webster, ...
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 64 (6), 436-447, 2017
Making sense of it together: Youth & families co‐create sensory modulation assessment and intervention in community mental health settings to optimise daily life
P Williamson, P Ennals
Australian Occupational Therapy Journal 67 (5), 458-469, 2020
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