José Manuel Rebordão
José Manuel Rebordão
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade Lisboa
確認したメール アドレス: fc.ul.pt
The gaia mission
T Prusti, JHJ De Bruijne, AGA Brown, A Vallenari, C Babusiaux, ...
Astronomy & astrophysics 595, A1, 2016
Gaia data release 1-summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties
AGA Brown, A Vallenari, T Prusti, JHJ De Bruijne, F Mignard, R Drimmel, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 595, A2, 2016
ESPRESSO at VLT-On-sky performance and first results
F Pepe, S Cristiani, R Rebolo, NC Santos, H Dekker, A Cabral, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 645, A96, 2021
ESPRESSO: the Echelle spectrograph for rocky exoplanets and stable spectroscopic observations
FA Pepe, S Cristiani, RR Lopez, NC Santos, A Amorim, G Avila, W Benz, ...
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III 7735, 209-217, 2010
G0. 253+ 0.016: a molecular cloud progenitor of an arches-like cluster
SN Longmore, J Rathborne, N Bastian, J Alves, J Ascenso, J Bally, L Testi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 746 (2), 117, 2012
An amplitude segmentation method based on the distribution function of an image
S Boukharouba, JM Rebordão, PL Wendel
Computer vision, graphics, and image processing 29 (1), 47-59, 1985
Gaia Data Release 1-Open cluster astrometry: performance, limitations, and future prospects
F Van Leeuwen, A Vallenari, C Jordi, L Lindegren, U Bastian, T Prusti, ...
Astronomy & astrophysics 601, A19, 2017
Gaia Data Release 1-Testing parallaxes with local Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars
G Clementini, L Eyer, V Ripepi, M Marconi, T Muraveva, A Garofalo, ...
Astronomy & astrophysics 605, A79, 2017
mWorld: A multiuser 3D virtual environment
JMS Dias, R Galli, AC Almeida, CAC Belo, JM Rebordao
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 17 (02), 55-65, 1997
Accuracy of frequency-sweeping interferometry for absolute distance metrology
A Cabral, J Rebordão
Optical Engineering 46 (7), 073602-073602-10, 2007
A precise architecture characterization of the π Mensae planetary system
M Damasso, A Sozzetti, C Lovis, SCC Barros, SG Sousa, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A31, 2020
Design and performance assessment of hazard avoidance techniques for vision-based landing
P Rogata, E Di Sotto, F Câmara, A Caramagno, JM Rebordao, B Correia, ...
Acta Astronautica 61 (1-6), 63-77, 2007
Space optical navigation techniques: an overview
JM Rebordão
8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics …, 2013
Absolute distance metrology with frequency sweeping interferometry
A Cabral, J Rebordao
Recent Developments in Traceable Dimensional Measurements III 5879, 195-204, 2005
Dual-frequency sweeping interferometry for absolute metrology of long distances
A Cabral, M Abreu, JM Rebordão
Optical Engineering 49 (8), 085601-085601-14, 2010
A discretized linear elastic model for cloth buckling and drape
JMS Dias, MN Gamito, JM Rebordao
Textile research journal 70 (4), 285-297, 2000
Uncovering the kiloparsec-scale stellar ring of NGC 5128
JT Kainulainen, JF Alves, Y Beletsky, J Ascenso, JM Kainulainen, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 502 (2), L5-L8, 2009
High-precision optical metrology for Darwin: design and performance
B Calvel, I Cabeza, A Cabral, E Manske, J Rebordão, R Sesselmann, ...
International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2004 10568, 701-708, 2018
The EChO science case
G Tinetti, P Drossart, P Eccleston, P Hartogh, K Isaak, M Linder, C Lovis, ...
Experimental Astronomy 40, 329-391, 2015
Structural observation of long-span suspension bridges for safety assessment: implementation of an optical displacement measurement system
LL Martins, JM Rebordão, AS Ribeiro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 588 (1), 012004, 2015
論文 1–20