Elisa Cooper
Elisa Cooper
ieso Digital Health
確認したメール アドレス: iesohealth.com
Question asking and eye tracking during cognitive disequilibrium: Comprehending illustrated texts on devices when the devices break down
AC Graesser, S Lu, BA Olde, E Cooper-Pye, S Whitten
Memory & Cognition 33 (7), 1235-1247, 2005
Does prediction error drive one-shot declarative learning?
A Greve, E Cooper, A Kaula, MC Anderson, R Henson
Journal of Memory and Language 94, 149-165, 2017
Anomia: A doubly typical signature of semantic dementia
AM Woollams, E Cooper-Pye, JR Hodges, K Patterson
Neuropsychologia 46 (10), 2503-2514, 2008
Reversible information flow across the medial temporal lobe: the hippocampus links cortical modules during memory retrieval
BP Staresina, E Cooper, RN Henson
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (35), 14184-14192, 2013
Knowledge is power: Prior knowledge aids memory for both congruent and incongruent events, but in different ways.
A Greve, E Cooper, R Tibon, RN Henson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (2), 325, 2019
The word processing deficit in semantic dementia: all categories are equal, but some categories are more equal than others
F Pulvermüller, E Cooper-Pye, C Dine, O Hauk, PJ Nestor, K Patterson
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22 (9), 2027-2041, 2010
No evidence that ‘fast-mapping’benefits novel learning in healthy older adults
A Greve, E Cooper, RN Henson
Neuropsychologia 60, 52-59, 2014
The effects of hippocampal lesions on MRI measures of structural and functional connectivity
RN Henson, A Greve, E Cooper, M Gregori, JS Simons, L Geerligs, ...
Hippocampus 26 (11), 1447-1463, 2016
Little evidence for Fast Mapping (FM) in adults: A review and discussion
E Cooper, A Greve, RN Henson
Cognitive neuroscience 10 (4), 196-209, 2019
Assumptions behind scoring source versus item memory: Effects of age, hippocampal lesions and mild memory problems
E Cooper, A Greve, RN Henson
Cortex 91, 297-315, 2017
How the camel lost its hump: The impact of object typicality on event-related potential signals in object decision
O Hauk, K Patterson, A Woollams, E Cooper-Pye, F Pulvermüller, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (8), 1338-1353, 2007
Tau pathology in early Alzheimer's disease is linked to selective disruptions in neurophysiological network dynamics
E Kocagoncu, A Quinn, A Firouzian, E Cooper, A Greve, R Gunn, G Green, ...
Neurobiology of aging 92, 141-152, 2020
Investigating fast mapping task components: No evidence for the role of semantic referent nor semantic inference in healthy adults
E Cooper, A Greve, RN Henson
Frontiers in psychology 10, 394, 2019
Semantic priming over unrelated trials: Evidence for different effects in word and picture naming
M Vitkovitch, E Cooper-Pye, AG Leadbetter
Memory & cognition 34, 715-725, 2006
Functional specialization of the medial temporal lobes in human recognition memory: Dissociating effects of hippocampal versus parahippocampal damage
GPD Argyropoulos, C Dell’Acqua, E Butler, C Loane, A Roca-Fernandez, ...
Cerebral Cortex 32 (8), 1637-1652, 2022
A computer tool to improve questionnaire design
AC Graesser, AB Karnavat, FK Daniel, E Cooper, SN Whitten, ...
Statistical Policy Working Paper, 36-48, 2001
My word! Interference from reading object names implies a role for competition during picture name retrieval
M Vitkovitch, E Cooper
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 65 (6), 1229-1240, 2012
Does Semantic Congruency Accelerate Episodic Encoding, or Increase Semantic Elaboration?
R Tibon, E Cooper, A Greve
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (19), 4861-4863, 2017
No effect of hippocampal lesions on stimulus-response bindings
RN Henson, AJ Horner, A Greve, E Cooper, M Gregori, JS Simons, ...
Neuropsychologia 103, 106-114, 2017
The long and the short of it! Naming a set of prime words before a set of related picture targets at two different intertrial intervals
M Vitkovitch, E Cooper-Pye, L Ali
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 22 (2), 161-171, 2010
論文 1–20