Christoph Görg
Christoph Görg
Professor Soziale Ökologie, AAU Klagenfurt, AT
確認したメール アドレス: aau.at
Ecosystem services and ethics
K Jax, DN Barton, KMA Chan, R De Groot, U Doyle, U Eser, C Görg, ...
Ecological economics 93, 260-268, 2013
Benefits and limitations of the ecosystem services concept in environmental policy and decision making: some stakeholder perspectives
J Hauck, C Görg, R Varjopuro, O Ratamäki, K Jax
Environmental Science & Policy 25, 13-21, 2013
Gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse
C Görg
Regulation der Naturverhältnisse: zu einer kritischen Regulation der ökologischen Krise
C Görg
(No Title), 2003
Landscape governance: The “politics of scale” and the “natural” conditions of places
C Görg
Geoforum 38 (5), 954-966, 2007
Towards a reflexive turn in the governance of global environmental expertise. The cases of the IPCC and the IPBES
S Beck, M Borie, J Chilvers, A Esguerra, K Heubach, M Hulme, R Lidskog, ...
GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 23 (2), 80-87, 2014
Understanding the role of conceptual frameworks: Reading the ecosystem service cascade
M Potschin-Young, R Haines-Young, C Görg, U Heink, K Jax, C Schleyer
Ecosystem Services 29, 428-440, 2018
Climate policy integration, coherence and governance
P Mickwitz, F Aix, S Beck, D Carss, N Ferrand, C Görg, A Jensen, ...
Partnership for European Environmental Research, 2009
From planetary to societal boundaries: an argument for collectively defined self-limitation
U Brand, B Muraca, É Pineault, M Sahakian, A Schaffartzik, A Novy, ...
Sustainability: science, practice and policy 17 (1), 264-291, 2021
“Maps have an air of authority”: potential benefits and challenges of ecosystem service maps at different levels of decision making
J Hauck, C Görg, R Varjopuro, O Ratamäki, J Maes, H Wittmer, K Jax
Ecosystem Services 4, 25-32, 2013
Provision of ecosystem services is determined by human agency, not ecosystem functions. Four case studies
JH Spangenberg, C Görg, DT Truong, V Tekken, JV Bustamante, J Settele
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2014
Postfordistische Naturverhältnisse: Konflikte um genetische Ressourcen und die Internationalisierung des Staates
U Brand, C Görg
Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2003
Challenges for social-ecological transformations: Contributions from social and political ecology
C Görg, U Brand, H Haberl, D Hummel, T Jahn, S Liehr
Sustainability 9 (7), 1045, 2017
Conceptualizing energy services: A review of energy and well-being along the Energy Service Cascade
G Kalt, D Wiedenhofer, C Görg, H Haberl
Energy Research & Social Science 53, 47-58, 2019
The material stock–flow–service nexus: A new approach for tackling the decoupling conundrum
H Haberl, D Wiedenhofer, KH Erb, C Görg, F Krausmann
Sustainability 9 (7), 1049, 2017
Conflicts in environmental regulation and the internationalisation of the state: contested terrains
U Brand, C Görg, J Hirsch, M Wissen
Routledge, 2008
A spatial assessment of ecosystem services in Europe: Methods, case studies and policy analysis-phase 2 Synthesis report
J Maes, J Hauck, ML Paracchini, O Ratamäki, M Termansen, ...
it, 2012
Nichtregierungsorganisationen in der Transformation des Staates
U Brand, C Görg, A Demirovic
Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2001
Opportunities and challenges for mainstreaming the ecosystem services concept in the multi-level policy-making within the EU
C Schleyer, C Görg, J Hauck, KJ Winkler
Ecosystem Services 16, 174-181, 2015
Handling a messy world: Lessons learned when trying to make the ecosystem services concept operational
K Jax, E Furman, H Saarikoski, DN Barton, B Delbaere, J Dick, G Duke, ...
Ecosystem services 29, 415-427, 2018
論文 1–20