Raul Badini
Raul Badini
Ceprocor. Scientist. Science Director
確認したメール アドレス: ceprocor.uncor.edu
Fingerprints for main varieties of Argentinean wines: terroir differentiation by inorganic, organic, and stable isotopic analyses coupled to chemometrics
RD Di Paola-Naranjo, MV Baroni, NS Podio, HR Rubinstein, MP Fabani, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (14), 7854-7865, 2011
Linking soil, water, and honey composition to assess the geographical origin of Argentinean honey by multielemental and isotopic analyses
MV Baroni, NS Podio, RG Badini, M Inga, HA Ostera, M Cagnoni, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63 (18), 4638-4645, 2015
Elemental and isotopic fingerprint of Argentinean wheat. Matching soil, water, and crop composition to differentiate provenance
NS Podio, MV Baroni, RG Badini, M Inga, HA Ostera, M Cagnoni, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 61 (16), 3763-3773, 2013
Characterization of casein micelle precipitation by chitosans
SF Ausar, ID Bianco, RG Badini, LF Castagna, NM Modesti, CA Landa, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 84 (2), 361-369, 2001
How much do soil and water contribute to the composition of meat? A case study: Meat from three areas of Argentina
MV Baroni, NS Podio, RG Badini, M Inga, HA Ostera, M Cagnoni, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (20), 11117-11128, 2011
Proximate composition and seed lipid components of “kabuli”-type chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) from Argentina
CGM Nobile, J Carreras, R Grosso, M Inga, M Silva, R Aguilar, MJ Allende, ...
Agricultural Sciences 4 (12), 729, 2013
An FTIR spectroscopy study of the interaction between αs-casein-bound phosphoryl groups and chitosan
C Fernández, SF Ausar, RG Badini, LF Castagna, ID Bianco, ...
International Dairy Journal 13 (11), 897-901, 2003
Two-step laser excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry determination of mercury
W Resto, RG Badini, BW Smith, CL Stevenson, JD Winefordner
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 48 (5), 627-632, 1993
Solid-state characterization of two polymorphic forms of R-albuterol sulfate
MA Palacio, S Cuffini, R Badini, A Karlsson, SM Palacios
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 43 (4), 1531-1534, 2007
Nonlinear behaviour of atomic fluorescence in mercury vapours following double-resonance laser excitation
N Omenetto, OI Matveev, W Resto, R Badini, BW Smith, JD Winefordner
Applied Physics B 58, 303-307, 1994
Graphite furnace vaporization with laser-enhanced ionization detection
BW Smith, GA Petrucci, RG Badini, JD Winefordner
Analytical Chemistry 65 (2), 118-122, 1993
El cultivo de garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.) en Argentina
J Carreras, V Mazzuferi, M Karlin
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Córdoba, 2016
High-sensitivity optical microphone for photoacoustics
MH De Paula, CA Vinha, RG Badini
Review of scientific instruments 63 (6), 3487-3491, 1992
Photon detection based on pulsed laser-enhanced ionization and photoionization of magnesium vapour: experimental characterization
GA Petrucci, RG Badini, JD Winefordner
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 7 (3), 481-491, 1992
Caracterización de la calidad del maní argentino: hacia su denominación de origen
C Cassini, MJ Martínez, M Silva, M Manzur, A Lamarque, M Nassetta, ...
Aceites & Grasas 59, 330-7, 2005
X‐ray fluorescence analysis applied to geochemistry of quartz in Argentina
D Pérez, M Rubio, A Bonalumi, J Sfragulla, A López, A Guereschi, ...
X‐Ray Spectrometry: An International Journal 34 (1), 59-63, 2005
Trace Determination of Uranyl Ion Using a Blue Led as Excitation Source in Phase-Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopy
WA Massad, GA Argüello, RG Badini
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 77 (2), 159-175, 2000
Quenching mechanism of the UO2 2+ excited state by phenols and related compounds in aqueous solutions
WA Massad, RG Badini, GA Argüello
Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry 240, 917-919, 1999
Quenching of I(2P½) by R‐OH compounds. Influence of the alkyl group on the quenching efficiency
MS Chiappero, RG Badini, GA Argüello
International journal of chemical kinetics 29 (3), 155-160, 1997
Study of the double-resonance ionization spectrum of indium with emphasis on the resonance detection of photons
RG Badini, GA Petrucci, JD Winefordner
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 50 (1), 47-54, 1993
論文 1–20