Emanuela Merelli
A tabu search method guided by shifting bottleneck for the job shop scheduling problem
F Pezzella, E Merelli
European Journal of Operational Research 120 (2), 297-310, 2000
Agents in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology
E Merelli, G Armano, N Cannata, F Corradini, M d'Inverno, A Doms, ...
Briefings in bioinformatics 8 (1), 45-59, 2007
Time to organize the bioinformatics resourceome
N Cannata, E Merelli, RB Altman
PLoS Computational Biology 1 (7), e76, 2005
Characterisation of the idiotypic immune network through persistent entropy
M Rucco, F Castiglione, E Merelli, M Pettini
Proceedings of ECCS 2014: European conference on complex systems, 117-128, 2016
Topological characterization of complex systems: Using persistent entropy
E Merelli, M Rucco, P Sloot, L Tesei
Entropy 17 (10), 6872-6892, 2015
BioWMS: a web-based Workflow Management System for bioinformatics
E Bartocci, F Corradini, E Merelli, L Scortichini
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-14, 2007
Biowep: a workflow enactment portal for bioinformatics applications
P Romano, E Bartocci, G Bertolini, F De Paoli, D Marra, G Mauri, E Merelli, ...
BMC bioinformatics 8, 1-13, 2007
jholes: A tool for understanding biological complex networks via clique weight rank persistent homology
J Binchi, E Merelli, M Rucco, G Petri, F Vaccarino
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 306, 5-18, 2014
Topological classifier for detecting the emergence of epileptic seizures
M Piangerelli, M Rucco, L Tesei, E Merelli
BMC research notes 11, 1-7, 2018
An agent-based approach to tool integration
F Corradini, L Mariani, E Merelli
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 6 (3), 231-244, 2004
Hermes: agent-based middleware for mobile computing
F Corradini, E Merelli
School on Formal Methods-Moby, 234-270, 2005
Adaptability checking in complex systems
E Merelli, N Paoletti, L Tesei
Science of Computer Programming 115, 23-46, 2016
An agent-oriented conceptual framework for systems biology
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli, A Omicini, A Ricci
Transactions on computational systems biology III, 105-122, 2005
Modelling osteomyelitis
P Liò, N Paoletti, MA Moni, K Atwell, E Merelli, M Viceconti
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-14, 2012
Machine learning models predicting multidrug resistant urinary tract infections using “DsaaS
A Mancini, L Vito, E Marcelli, M Piangerelli, R De Leone, S Pucciarelli, ...
BMC bioinformatics 21, 1-12, 2020
Detecting synchronisation of biological oscillators by model checking
E Bartocci, F Corradini, E Merelli, L Tesei
Theoretical Computer Science 411 (20), 1999-2018, 2010
Neural hypernetwork approach for pulmonary embolism diagnosis
M Rucco, D Sousa-Rodrigues, E Merelli, JH Johnson, L Falsetti, C Nitti, ...
BMC research notes 8, 1-11, 2015
Shape Calculus. A Spatial Mobile Calculus for 3D Shapes.
E Bartocci, F Corradini, MR Di Berardini, E Merelli, L Tesei
Scientific Annals of Computer Science 20, 2010
Bioagent: A mobile agent system for bioscientists
E Merelli, R Culmone, L Mariani
Proceedings of the Network Tools and Applications in Biology Workshop Agents …, 2002
Multiagent modelling and simulation of carbohydrate oxidation in cell
N Cannata, F Corradini, E Merelli
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 3 (1), 17-28, 2008
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