dr Artur Michalik
The influence of chloride deicers on mineral nutrition and the health status of roadside trees in the city of Kielce, Poland
A Gałuszka, ZM Migaszewski, R Podlaski, S Dołęgowska, A Michalik
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 176, 451-464, 2011
The use of chemical and cluster analysis for studying spring water quality in Świętokrzyski National Park
A Michalik
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 17 (3), 357-362, 2008
Geochemical background of potentially toxic trace elements in soils of the historic copper mining area: a case study from Miedzianka Mt., Holy Cross Mountains, south-central Poland
A Gałuszka, ZM Migaszewski, S Dołęgowska, A Michalik, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 4589-4605, 2015
Geochemical anomalies of trace elements in unremediated soils of Mt. Karczówka, a historic lead mining area in the city of Kielce, Poland
A Gałuszka, ZM Migaszewski, S Dołęgowska, A Michalik
Science of the total environment 639, 397-405, 2018
The use of stable sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios as geochemical tracers of sulfates in the Podwiśniówka acid drainage area (south-central Poland)
ZM Migaszewski, A Gałuszka, A Michalik, S Dołęgowska, A Migaszewski, ...
Aquatic Geochemistry 19, 261-280, 2013
Trace elements and stable sulfur isotopes in plants of acid mine drainage area: Implications for revegetation of degraded land
A Gałuszka, ZM Migaszewski, A Pelc, A Trembaczowski, S Dołęgowska, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 94, 128-136, 2020
Glass microspheres in road dust of the city of Kielce (south-central Poland) as markers of traffic-related pollution
ZM Migaszewski, A Gałuszka, S Dołęgowska, A Michalik
Journal of Hazardous Materials 413, 125355, 2021
Abundance and fate of glass microspheres in river sediments and roadside soils: Lessons from the Świętokrzyskie region case study (south-central Poland)
ZM Migaszewski, A Gałuszka, S Dołęgowska, A Michalik
Science of the Total Environment 821, 153410, 2022
Stable sulfur and oxygen isotope ratios of the Świętokrzyski National Park spring waters generated by natural and anthropogenic factors (south-central Poland)
A Michalik, ZM Migaszewski
Applied geochemistry 27 (6), 1123-1132, 2012
Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) BSG and Pleurozium schreberi (Brid.) Mitt. as trace element bioindicators: statistical comparison of bioaccumulative properties
S Dołęgowska, ZM Migaszewski, A Michalik
Journal of environmental sciences 25 (2), 340-347, 2013
Chemical and isotopic variations in the Wiśniówka Mała mine pit water, Holy Cross Mountains (south-central Poland)
ZM Migaszewski, A Gałuszka, S Hałas, J Dąbek, S Dołęgowska, I Budzyk, ...
Environmental geology 57, 29-40, 2009
The use of a geostatistical model supported by multivariate analysis to assess the spatial distribution of mercury in soils from historical mining areas: Karczówka Mt …
S Dołęgowska, A Michalik
Environmental monitoring and assessment 191, 1-14, 2019
Brzeżna strefa trzonu krystalicznego Tatr na terenie Kosistej
A Michalik
Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny, 1951
Cios krystaliniku Tatr Polskich oraz towarzyszÄ… ce mu przemiany hydrotermalne
A Michalik
Wydawnictwo PaĹ „stwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 1952
Wykorzystanie analizy wiązkowej do interpretacji składu chemicznego wód ze źródeł na terenie Świętokrzyskiego Parku Narodowego i Gryżyńskiego Parku Krajobrazowego
A Michalik, A Szczucińska
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 445 (445-2), 405-412, 2011
Żelazo i mangan w glebach i skałach z wybranych Parków Narodowych-Magurskiego, Świętokrzyskiego i Wigierskiego
Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu 55, 97, 2004
Factors affecting microplastic pollution of sandboxes in urban residential areas: Simple methodology for quality control in the context of potential exposure assessment for …
K Krzciuk, S Dołęgowska, A Gałuszka, A Michalik
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 44 (2), 324-334, 2025
Variability of PAH Patterns in Upper Forest Soil (Sub) horizons—A Case Study From South‐Central Poland
S Dołęgowska, A Sołtys, K Krzciuk, D Wideł, A Michalik
Land Degradation & Development 36 (1), 90-108, 2025
Variability of PAH Patterns in Upper Forest Soil (Sub) horizons-A Case Study From South-Central Poland
S Dolegowska, A Soltys, K Krzciuk, D Widel, A Michalik
Problems in assessment of uncertainty arising from environmental sampling
S Dolegowska, A Michalik
Journal of Biology and Earth Sciences 4 (3 Suppl. 1), 2014
論文 1–20