Daniel  Urieli
Daniel Urieli
GM Research
確認したメール アドレス: cs.utexas.edu - ホームページ
Design and optimization of an omnidirectional humanoid walk: A winning approach at the RoboCup 2011 3D simulation competition
P MacAlpine, S Barrett, D Urieli, V Vu, P Stone
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 1047-1053, 2012
Tactex'13: a champion adaptive power trading agent
D Urieli, P Stone
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
On optimizing interdependent skills: a case study in simulated 3D humanoid robot soccer.
D Urieli, P MacAlpine, S Kalyanakrishnan, Y Bentor, P Stone
Proceedings of the 2011 AAMAS conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2011
A learning agent for heat-pump thermostat control
D Urieli, P Stone
Proceedings of the 2013 AAMAS conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2013
UT Austin Villa 2011: a champion agent in the RoboCup 3D soccer simulation competition.
P MacAlpine, D Urieli, S Barrett, S Kalyanakrishnan, F Barrera, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 AAMAS conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2012
Multiagent patrol generalized to complex environmental conditions
N Agmon, D Urieli, P Stone
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 25 (1), 1090-1095, 2011
Optimal workload-based weighted wavelet synopses
Y Matias, D Urieli
International Conference on Database Theory, 368-382, 2005
Scalable multiagent driving policies for reducing traffic congestion
J Cui, W Macke, H Yedidsion, D Urieli, P Stone
Proceedings of the 2021 AAMAS conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2021
Autonomous electricity trading using time-of-use tariffs in a competitive market
D Urieli, P Stone
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
UT Austin Villa 2011 3D simulation team report
P MacAlpine, D Urieli, S Barrett, S Kalyanakrishnan, F Barrera, ...
Technical Report AI11-10, The Univ. of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Computer …, 2011
An MDP-Based Winning Approach to Autonomous Power Trading: Formalization and Empirical Analysis.
D Urieli, P Stone
Proceedings of the 2016 AAMAS conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent …, 2016
Traffic Control via Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs): An Open-Road Field Experiment with 100 CAVs
JW Lee, H Wang, K Jang, N Lichtlé, A Hayat, M Bunting, A Alanqary, ...
IEEE Control Systems 45 (1), 28-60, 2025
Strategy for efficiently utilizing a heat-pump based hvac system with an auxiliary heating system
P Stone, D Urieli
US Patent App. 14/703,995, 2015
Wrighteagle and UT Austin villa: RoboCup 2011 simulation league champions
A Bai, X Chen, P MacAlpine, D Urieli, S Barrett, P Stone
RoboCup 2011: Robot Soccer World Cup XV 15, 1-12, 2012
Learning a robust multiagent driving policy for traffic congestion reduction
Y Zhang, W Macke, J Cui, S Hornstein, D Urieli, P Stone
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-14, 2023
On the optimality of the greedy heuristic in wavelet synopses for range queries
Y Matias, D Urieli
Technical Report TR-TAU, 2005
Optimal workload-based weighted wavelet synopses
Y Matias, D Urieli
Theoretical Computer Science 371 (3), 227-246, 2007
Inner-product based wavelet synopses for range-sum queries
Y Matias, D Urieli
Algorithms–ESA 2006: 14th Annual European Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland …, 2006
Hierarchical speed planner for automated vehicles: A framework for Lagrangian variable speed limit in mixed-autonomy traffic
H Wang, Z Fu, JW Lee, HNZ Matin, A Alanqary, D Urieli, S Hornstein, ...
IEEE Control Systems 45 (1), 111-138, 2025
Traffic smoothing via connected & automated vehicles: A modular, hierarchical control design deployed in a 100-cav flow smoothing experiment
JW Lee, H Wang, K Jang, A Hayat, M Bunting, A Alanqary, W Barbour, ...
IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2024
論文 1–20