オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - miriam piles詳細
一般には非公開: 2 件
Daily exposure to summer temperatures affects the motile subpopulation structure of epididymal sperm cells but not male fertility in an in vivo rabbit model
MJ Maya-Soriano, E Taberner, M Sabés-Alsina, J Ramon, O Rafel, ...
Theriogenology 84 (3), 384-389, 2015
委任: Government of Spain
Absence of beneficial effects on rabbit sperm cell cryopreservation by several antioxidant agents
MJ Maya-Soriano, E Taberner, M Sabés-Alsina, M Piles, M Lopez-Bejar
Zygote 23 (1), 1-10, 2015
委任: Government of Spain
一般公開: 53 件
Rabbit microbiota changes throughout the intestinal tract
M Velasco-Galilea, M Piles, M Viñas, O Rafel, O González-Rodríguez, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2144, 2018
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Feature selection stability and accuracy of prediction models for genomic prediction of residual feed intake in pigs using machine learning
M Piles, R Bergsma, D Gianola, H Gilbert, L Tusell
Frontiers in genetics 12, 611506, 2021
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Machine learning applied to transcriptomic data to identify genes associated with feed efficiency in pigs
M Piles, C Fernandez-Lozano, M Velasco-Galilea, O González-Rodríguez, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 51, 1-15, 2019
委任: Government of Spain
Use of group records of feed intake to select for feed efficiency in rabbit
M Piles, JP Sánchez
Journal of animal breeding and genetics 136 (6), 474-483, 2019
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Interaction of direct and social genetic effects with feeding regime in growing rabbits
M Piles, I David, J Ramon, L Canario, O Rafel, M Pascual, M Ragab, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 49 (1), 58, 2017
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Stable sulforaphane protects against gait anomalies and modifies bone microarchitecture in the spontaneous STR/Ort model of osteoarthritis
B Javaheri, B Poulet, AJ Al-Jazzar, R de Souza, M Piles, M Hopkinson, ...
Bone 103, 308-317, 2017
委任: Versus Arthritis, UK, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research …
Using the product threshold model for estimating separately the effect of temperature on male and female fertility
L Tusell, I David, L Bodin, A Legarra, O Rafel, M López-Bejar, M Piles
Journal of animal science 89 (12), 3983-3995, 2011
委任: Government of Spain
Sexually dimorphic tibia shape is linked to natural osteoarthritis in STR/Ort mice
B Javaheri, H Razi, M Piles, R de Souza, YM Chang, I Maric-Mur, ...
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 26 (6), 807-817, 2018
委任: Versus Arthritis, UK, UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research …
Genetic correlation between growth and female and male contributions to fertility in rabbit
M Piles, L Tusell
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 129 (4), 298-305, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
Breeding programmes to improve male reproductive performance and efficiency of insemination dose production in paternal lines: feasibility and limitations
M Piles, L Tusell, R Lavara García, M Baselga Izquierdo
World Rabbit Science 21 (2), 61-75, 2013
委任: Government of Spain
Genetic basis of semen traits and their relationship with growth rate in rabbits
L Tusell, A Legarra, M García-Tomás, O Rafel, J Ramon, M Piles
Journal of Animal Science 90 (5), 1385-1397, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
Genetic parameters and expected responses to selection for components of feed efficiency in a Duroc pig line
JP Sánchez, M Ragab, R Quintanilla, MF Rothschild, M Piles
Genetics Selection Evolution 49 (1), 86, 2017
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
The value of gut microbiota to predict feed efficiency and growth of rabbits under different feeding regimes
M Velasco-Galilea, M Piles, Y Ramayo-Caldas, JP Sánchez
Scientific reports 11 (1), 19495, 2021
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Breeding farm, level of feeding and presence of antibiotics in the feed influence rabbit cecal microbiota
M Velasco-Galilea, M Guivernau, M Piles, M Viñas, O Rafel, A Sánchez, ...
Animal Microbiome 2, 1-16, 2020
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Lactating performance, water and feed consumption of rabbit does reared under a Mediterranean summer circadian cycle of temperature v. comfort temperature conditions
MH Bakr, L Tusell, O Rafel, M Terré, JP Sanchez, M Piles
Animal 9 (7), 1203-1209, 2015
委任: Government of Spain
Indirect genetic effect model using feeding behaviour traits to define the degree of interaction between mates: an implementation in pigs growth rate
M Ragab, M Piles, R Quintanilla, JP Sánchez
Animal 13 (2), 231-239, 2019
委任: Government of Spain
Genome‐wide association study for feed efficiency in collective cage‐raised rabbits under full and restricted feeding
JP Sánchez, A Legarra, M Velasco‐Galilea, M Piles, A Sánchez, O Rafel, ...
Animal Genetics 51 (5), 799-810, 2020
委任: European Commission, Government of Spain
Daily exposure to summer circadian cycles affects spermatogenesis, but not fertility in an in vivo rabbit model
M Sabés-Alsina, N Planell, E Torres-Mejia, E Taberner, MJ Maya-Soriano, ...
Theriogenology 83 (2), 246-252, 2015
委任: Government of Spain
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