Annie Waldherr
Annie Waldherr
Professor of Computational Communication Science, University of Vienna
確認したメール アドレス: univie.ac.at - ホームページ
Applying LDA topic modeling in communication research: Toward a valid and reliable methodology
D Maier, A Waldherr, P Miltner, G Wiedemann, A Niekler, A Keinert, ...
Computational methods for communication science, 13-38, 2021
Emergence of news waves: A social simulation approach
A Waldherr
Journal of Communication 64 (5), 852-873, 2014
Communicating social simulation models to sceptical minds
A Waldherr, N Wijermans
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 16 (4), 13, 2013
Towards an integrative approach to communication styles: The Interpersonal Circumplex and the Five-Factor Theory of personality as frames of reference
A Waldherr, PM Muck
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 36 (1), 1-27, 2011
Die Zukunft der Kommunikationswissenschaft ist schon da, sie ist nur ungleich verteilt
C Strippel, A Bock, C Katzenbach, M Mahrt, L Merten, C Nuernbergk, ...
Publizistik 63 (1), 11-27, 2018
Computational communication science: A methodological catalyzer for a maturing discipline
M Hilbert, G Barnett, J Blumenstock, N Contractor, J Diesner, S Frey, ...
Öffentlichkeit als komplexes System. Theoretischer Entwurf und methodische Konsequenzen
A Waldherr
M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 65 (3), 534-549, 2017
Exploring issues in a networked public sphere: Combining hyperlink network analysis and topic modeling
D Maier, A Waldherr, P Miltner, P Jähnichen, B Pfetsch
Social Science Computer Review 36 (1), 3-20, 2018
Machine translation vs. multilingual dictionaries assessing two strategies for the topic modeling of multilingual text collections
D Maier, C Baden, D Stoltenberg, M De Vries-Kedem, A Waldherr
Communication methods and measures 16 (1), 19-38, 2022
Die Dynamik der Medienaufmerksamkeit
A Waldherr
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2012
Big data, big noise: The challenge of finding issue networks on the web
A Waldherr, D Maier, P Miltner, E Günther
Social Science Computer Review 35 (4), 427-443, 2017
The mass media as actors in innovation systems
A Waldherr
Innovation policy and governance in high-tech industries: The complexity of …, 2011
Community detection in civil society online networks: Theoretical guide and empirical assessment
D Stoltenberg, D Maier, A Waldherr
Social Networks 59, 120-133, 2019
Toward a stronger theoretical grounding of computational communication science: How macro frameworks shape our research agendas
A Waldherr, S Geise, M Mahrt, C Katzenbach, C Nuernbergk
Computational Communication Research 3 (2), 1-28, 2021
Themenzyklus der Kriegsberichterstattung: Ein Phasenmodell
P Miltner, A Waldherr
Gatekeeper, Diskursproduzenten und Agenda-Setter—Akteursrollen von Massenmedien in Innovationsprozessen
A Waldherr
Massenmedien als politische Akteure: Konzepte und Analysen, 171-195, 2008
Induktive Kategorienbildung in der Inhaltsanalyse: Kombination automatischer und manueller Verfahren
A Waldherr, P Miltner, S Ostner, D Stoltenberg, B Pfetsch, LO Wehden
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 20 (1), 30, 2019
Computational communication science| Because technology matters: Theorizing interdependencies in computational communication Science with actor–network theory
A Waldherr, S Geise, C Katzenbach
International Journal of Communication 13, 21, 2019
Homophily and prestige: An assessment of their relative strength to explain link formation in the online climate change debate
H Schmid-Petri, S Adam, U Reber, T Häussler, D Maier, P Miltner, ...
Social networks 55, 47-54, 2018
<? covid19?> Tweeting in the Time of Coronavirus: How Social Media Use and Academic Research Evolve during Times of Global Uncertainty
N Kligler-Vilenchik, D Stoltenberg, M de Vries Kedem, H Gur-Ze’ev, ...
Social Media+ Society 6 (3), 2056305120948258, 2020
論文 1–20