Mats Lundqvist
Mats Lundqvist
Professor in Entrepreneurship Didactics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
確認したメール アドレス: chalmers.se
Entrepreneurial transformations in the Swedish University system: the case of Chalmers University of Technology
M Jacob, M Lundqvist, H Hellsmark
Research policy 32 (9), 1555-1568, 2003
The importance of surrogate entrepreneurship for incubated Swedish technology ventures
MA Lundqvist
Technovation 34 (2), 93-100, 2014
The influence of the lean startup methodology on entrepreneur-coach relationships in the context of a startup accelerator
Y Mansoori, T Karlsson, M Lundqvist
Technovation 84, 37-47, 2019
Bridging the traditional-progressive education rift through entrepreneurship
M Lackéus, M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 22 (6), 777-803, 2016
Mindful deviation through combining causation and effectuation: A design theory‐based study of technology entrepreneurship
M Agogue, M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
Creativity and Innovation Management 24 (4), 629-644, 2015
Academic entrepreneurship revisited–university scientists and venture creation
MA Lundqvist, KL Williams Middleton
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 2013
Entrepreneurial identity and role expectations in nascent entrepreneurship
M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton, P Nowell
Industry and Higher Education 29 (5), 327-344, 2015
Entrepreneurship in the Name of Society: Reader’s Digest of a Swedish Research Anthology
M Gawell, B Johannisson, M Lundqvist
The KK Foundation, 2009
Samhällets entreprenörer: en forskarantologi om samhällsentreprenörskap
M Gawell, B Johannisson, M Lundqvist
KK-stiftelsen, 2009
How can entrepreneurship bridge between traditional and progressive education?
M Lackéus, M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference; Århus, Denmark; May 29-31, 2013
Integration of academic and entrepreneurial roles: The case of nanotechnology research at Chalmers University of Technology
H Fogelberg, MA Lundqvist
Science and Public Policy 40, 127-139, 2013
Promises of societal entrepreneurship: Sweden and beyond
MA Lundqvist, KL Williams Middleton
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 2010
The entrepreneurial employee in the public and private sector: What, why, how
M Lackéus, M Lundqvist, KW Middleton, J Inden
Publications Office of the European Union, 2020
Remodularization of a product line: Adding complexity to project management
M Lundqvist, N Sundgren, L Trygg
Journal of product innovation management 13 (4), 311-324, 1996
Graduates of venture creation programs–where do they apply their entrepreneurial competencies?
G Alsos, G Hägg, M Lundqvist, D Politis, M Stockhaus, ...
Small Business Economics 60 (1), 133-155, 2023
Transformative, transactional and transmissive modes of teaching in action-based entrepreneurial education
O Hagvall Svensson, M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
ECSB Entrepreneurship Education (3E) Conference, May 10-12 Cork Ireland, 1-15, 2017
Sustainable Business Development: Frameworks for Idea Evaluation and Cases of Realized Ideas
S Alänge, M Lundqvist
Chalmers University of Technology, 2014
Opening up the black box of entrepreneurial education
M Lackéus, M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
3E Conference, Luneburg, 23-24, 2015
Entrepreneurial engineering pedagogy: models, tradeoffs and discourses
O Hagvall Svensson, T Adawi, M Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
European Journal of Engineering Education 45 (5), 691-710, 2020
Sustainable wealth creation beyond shareholder value
MA Lundqvist, K Williams Middleton
Innovative approaches to global sustainability, 39-62, 2008
論文 1–20