オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Guglielmo Foffani詳細
一般には非公開: 7 件
Focused ultrasound subthalamotomy in patients with asymmetric Parkinson's disease: a pilot study
R Martínez-Fernández, R Rodríguez-Rojas, M del Álamo, ...
The Lancet Neurology 17 (1), 54-63, 2018
委任: Government of Spain
New sensor and wearable technologies to aid in the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of Parkinson's disease
MHG Monje, G Foffani, J Obeso, Á Sánchez-Ferro
Annual review of biomedical engineering 21 (1), 111-143, 2019
委任: Government of Spain
Striatal blood–brain barrier opening in Parkinson's disease dementia: a pilot exploratory study
JA Pineda‐Pardo, C Gasca‐Salas, B Fernández‐Rodríguez, ...
Movement Disorders 37 (10), 2057-2065, 2022
委任: Government of Spain
Focused ultrasound in Parkinson's disease: A twofold path toward disease modification
G Foffani, I Trigo‐Damas, JA Pineda‐Pardo, J Blesa, R Rodríguez‐Rojas, ...
Movement Disorders 34 (9), 1262-1273, 2019
委任: Banking Foundation "la Caixa", Government of Spain
Functional reorganization of the forepaw cortical representation immediately after thoracic spinal cord hemisection in rats
JG Yagüe, D Humanes-Valera, J Aguilar, G Foffani
Experimental neurology 257, 19-24, 2014
委任: Government of Spain
Oscillatory vs. non‐oscillatory subthalamic beta activity in Parkinson's disease
J Pardo‐Valencia, C Fernández‐García, F Alonso‐Frech, G Foffani
The Journal of Physiology 602 (2), 373-395, 2024
委任: Banking Foundation "la Caixa", Government of Spain, Michael J Fox Foundation
Local wakefulness‐like activity of layer 5 cortex under general anaesthesia
J Pardo‐Valencia, M Moreno‐Gomez, N Mercado, B Pro, C Ammann, ...
The Journal of physiology, 2024
委任: Banking Foundation "la Caixa"
一般公開: 41 件
Eight-hours adaptive deep brain stimulation in patients with Parkinson disease
M Arlotti, S Marceglia, G Foffani, J Volkmann, AM Lozano, E Moro, ...
Neurology 90 (11), e971-e976, 2018
委任: Government of Italy
Transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the human motor cortex
A Oliviero, L Mordillo‐Mateos, P Arias, I Panyavin, G Foffani, J Aguilar
The Journal of physiology 589 (20), 4949-4958, 2011
委任: Government of Spain
Spinal cord injury immediately changes the state of the brain
J Aguilar, D Humanes-Valera, E Alonso-Calviño, JG Yague, KA Moxon, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (22), 7528-7537, 2010
委任: US National Institutes of Health
A Cortical Pathogenic Theory of Parkinson’s Disease
G Foffani, JA Obeso
Neuron 99 (6), 1116-1128, 2018
委任: Banking Foundation "la Caixa", Government of Spain
Motor and non-motor circuit disturbances in early Parkinson disease: which happens first?
J Blesa, G Foffani, B Dehay, E Bezard, JA Obeso
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23 (2), 115-128, 2022
委任: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Spain …
Brain-Machine Interfaces beyond Neuroprosthetics
KA Moxon, G Foffani
Neuron 86 (1), 55-67, 2015
委任: Government of Spain
Cortical reorganization after spinal cord injury: Always for good?
KA Moxon, A Oliviero, J Aguilar, G Foffani
Neuroscience 283, 78-94, 2014
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Effects of simultaneous bilateral tDCS of the human motor cortex
L Mordillo-Mateos, L Turpin-Fenoll, J Millán-Pascual, N Núñez-Pérez, ...
Brain Stimulation 5 (3), 214-222, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
Static magnetic field stimulation over the visual cortex increases alpha oscillations and slows visual search in humans
JJ Gonzalez-Rosa, V Soto-Leon, P Real, C Carrasco-Lopez, G Foffani, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (24), 9182-9193, 2015
委任: Government of Spain
Spinal direct current stimulation modulates the activity of gracile nucleus and primary somatosensory cortex in anaesthetized rats
J Aguilar, F Pulecchi, R Dilena, A Oliviero, A Priori, G Foffani
The Journal of physiology 589 (20), 4981-4996, 2011
委任: Government of Spain
Computational role of large receptive fields in the primary somatosensory cortex
G Foffani, JK Chapin, KA Moxon
Journal of neurophysiology 100 (1), 268-280, 2008
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Cortical disinhibition in Parkinson’s disease
C Ammann, M Dileone, C Pagge, V Catanzaro, D Mata-Marín, ...
Brain 143 (11), 3408-3421, 2020
委任: Government of Spain, Michael J Fox Foundation
Basic properties of somatosensory-evoked responses in the dorsal hippocampus of the rat
E Bellistri, J Aguilar, JR Brotons-Mas, G Foffani, LM de la Prida
The Journal of physiology 591 (10), 2667-2686, 2013
委任: Government of Spain
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