Cong Ma
Cong Ma
確認したメール アドレス: uchicago.edu - ホームページ
Implicit regularization in nonconvex statistical estimation: Gradient descent converges linearly for phase retrieval, matrix completion, and blind deconvolution
C Ma, K Wang, Y Chi, Y Chen
Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 1-182, 2020
Bridging offline reinforcement learning and imitation learning: A tale of pessimism
P Rashidinejad, B Zhu, C Ma, J Jiao, S Russell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 11702-11716, 2021
Gradient descent with random initialization: Fast global convergence for nonconvex phase retrieval
Y Chen, Y Chi, J Fan, C Ma
Mathematical Programming 176 (1-2), 5-37, 2019
Spectral Methods for Data Science: A Statistical Perspective
Y Chen, Y Chi, J Fan, C Ma
Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 14 (5), 566-806, 2021
A selective overview of deep learning
J Fan, C Ma, Y Zhong
Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical …, 2020
Noisy matrix completion: Understanding statistical guarantees for convex relaxation via nonconvex optimization
Y Chen, Y Chi, J Fan, C Ma, Y Yan
SIAM Journal on Optimization 30 (4), 3098-3121, 2020
Spectral method and regularized MLE are both optimal for top-K ranking
Y Chen, J Fan, C Ma, K Wang
Annals of statistics 47 (4), 2204, 2019
Inference and uncertainty quantification for noisy matrix completion
Y Chen, J Fan, C Ma, Y Yan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (46), 22931-22937, 2019
Jump-start reinforcement learning
I Uchendu, T Xiao, Y Lu, B Zhu, M Yan, J Simon, M Bennice, C Fu, C Ma, ...
International Conference on Machine Learning, 34556-34583, 2023
Accelerating ill-conditioned low-rank matrix estimation via scaled gradient descent
T Tong, C Ma, Y Chi
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (1), 6639-6701, 2021
Panther: Fast top-k similarity search on large networks
J Zhang, J Tang, C Ma, H Tong, Y Jing, J Li
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2015
Bridging convex and nonconvex optimization in robust PCA: Noise, outliers, and missing data
Y Chen, J Fan, C Ma, Y Yan
Annals of statistics 49 (5), 2948, 2021
Low-rank matrix recovery with scaled subgradient methods: Fast and robust convergence without the condition number
T Tong, C Ma, Y Chi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 2396-2409, 2021
Nonconvex matrix factorization from rank-one measurements
Y Li, C Ma, Y Chen, Y Chi
The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics …, 2019
Scaling and scalability: Provable nonconvex low-rank tensor estimation from incomplete measurements
T Tong, C Ma, A Prater-Bennette, E Tripp, Y Chi
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (1), 7312-7388, 2022
Optimally tackling covariate shift in RKHS-based nonparametric regression
C Ma, R Pathak, MJ Wainwright
The Annals of Statistics 51 (2), 738-761, 2023
The power of preconditioning in overparameterized low-rank matrix sensing
X Xu, Y Shen, Y Chi, C Ma
International Conference on Machine Learning, 38611-38654, 2023
Beyond Procrustes: Balancing-free gradient descent for asymmetric low-rank matrix sensing
C Ma, Y Li, Y Chi
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 69, 867-877, 2021
A new similarity measure for covariate shift with applications to nonparametric regression
R Pathak, C Ma, M Wainwright
International Conference on Machine Learning, 17517-17530, 2022
Pessimism for Offline Linear Contextual Bandits using Confidence Sets
G Li, C Ma, N Srebro
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 20974-20987, 2022
論文 1–20