Tomislav Capuder
Tomislav Capuder
University of Zagreb Faculty of electrical engineering and computing
確認したメール アドレス: fer.unizg.hr - ホームページ
Review of energy storage allocation in power distribution networks: applications, methods and future research
M Zidar, PS Georgilakis, ND Hatziargyriou, T Capuder, D Škrlec
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (3), 645-652, 2016
Virtual power plant mid-term dispatch optimization
H Pandžić, I Kuzle, T Capuder
Applied energy 101, 134-141, 2013
Flexible distributed multienergy generation system expansion planning under uncertainty
EAM Ceseña, T Capuder, P Mancarella
IEEE Transactions on Smart grid 7 (1), 348-357, 2015
Techno-economic and environmental modelling and optimization of flexible distributed multi-generation options
T Capuder, P Mancarella
Energy 71, 516-533, 2014
Value of flexible electric vehicles in providing spinning reserve services
I Pavić, T Capuder, I Kuzle
Applied Energy 157, 60-74, 2015
Prosumers as active market participants: A systematic review of evolution of opportunities, models and challenges
M Gržanić, T Capuder, N Zhang, W Huang
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 154, 111859, 2022
Review of challenges and assessment of electric vehicles integration policy goals: Integrated risk analysis approach
T Capuder, DM Sprčić, D Zoričić, H Pandžić
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 119, 105894, 2020
Corrective receding horizon scheduling of flexible distributed multi-energy microgrids
N Holjevac, T Capuder, N Zhang, I Kuzle, C Kang
Applied energy 207, 176-194, 2017
Adaptive control for evaluation of flexibility benefits in microgrid systems
N Holjevac, T Capuder, I Kuzle
Energy 92, 487-504, 2015
Economic dispatch of virtual power plants in an event-driven service-oriented framework using standards-based communications
S Sučić, T Dragičević, T Capuder, M Delimar
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (12), 2108-2119, 2011
Reliability and vulnerability assessment of multi-energy systems: An energy hub based method
W Huang, E Du, T Capuder, X Zhang, N Zhang, G Strbac, C Kang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 36 (5), 3948-3959, 2021
Matrix modeling of energy hub with variable energy efficiencies
W Huang, N Zhang, Y Wang, T Capuder, I Kuzle, C Kang
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 119, 105876, 2020
Low carbon technologies as providers of operational flexibility in future power systems
I Pavić, T Capuder, I Kuzle
Applied Energy 168, 724-738, 2016
Electricity cost-sharing in energy communities under dynamic pricing and uncertainty
M Grzanić, JM Morales, S Pineda, T Capuder
IEEE access 9, 30225-30241, 2021
Unified unit commitment formulation and fast multi-service LP model for flexibility evaluation in sustainable power systems
L Zhang, T Capuder, P Mancarella
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 7 (2), 658-671, 2015
Integration of renewable energy sources in southeast Europe: A review of incentive mechanisms and feasibility of investments
L Punda, T Capuder, H Pandžić, M Delimar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 71, 77-88, 2017
A comprehensive approach for maximizing flexibility benefits of electric vehicles
I Pavić, T Capuder, I Kuzle
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2882-2893, 2017
Demystifying distributed ledger technologies: limits, challenges, and potentials in the energy sector
A Hrga, T Capuder, IP Žarko
IEEE access 8, 126149-126163, 2020
Modeling and initialization of a virtual synchronous machine for power system fundamental frequency simulations
B Barać, M Krpan, T Capuder, I Kuzle
IEEE access 9, 160116-160134, 2021
A comprehensive analysis of the voltage unbalance factor in PV and EV rich non-synthetic low voltage distribution networks
T Antić, T Capuder, M Bolfek
Energies 14 (1), 117, 2020
論文 1–20