Manuela Pulina
Has the tourism-led growth hypothesis been validated? A literature review
JG Brida, I Cortes-Jimenez, M Pulina
Current Issues in Tourism 19 (5), 394-430, 2016
Inbound tourism and long-run economic growth
I Cortes-Jimenez, M Pulina
Current Issues in Tourism 13 (1), 61-74, 2010
Repeated behaviour and destination loyalty
M Meleddu, R Paci, M Pulina
Tourism Management 50, 159-171, 2015
An investigation into the relationship between size and efficiency of the Italian hospitality sector: A window DEA approach
M Pulina, C Detotto, A Paba
European journal of operational research 204 (3), 613-620, 2010
A literature review on the tourism-led-growth hypothesis
JG Brida, M Pulina
CRENoS-CUEC 2010 (17), 26, 2010
Tourism and transport systems in mountain environments: analysis of the economic efficiency of cableways in South Tyrol
JG Brida, M Deidda, M Pulina
Journal of Transport Geography 36, 1-11, 2014
Cruise passengers in a homeport: A market analysis
JG Brida, M Pulina, E Riaño, SZ Aguirre
Understanding Tropical Coastal and Island Tourism Development, 68-86, 2016
Factors influencing the intention to revisit a cultural attraction: The case study of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rovereto
JG Brida, M Meleddu, M Pulina
Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (2), 167-174, 2012
Cruise passengers’ experience embarking in a Caribbean home port. The case study of Cartagena de Indias
JG Brida, M Pulina, E Riaño, S Zapata-Aguirre
Ocean & Coastal Management 55, 135-145, 2012
A comparison of residents' perceptions in two cruise ports in the Mediterranean Sea
JG Brida, GD Chiappa, M Meleddu, M Pulina
International Journal of Tourism Research 16 (2), 180-190, 2014
Understanding urban tourism attractiveness: The case of the Archaeological Ötzi Museum in Bolzano
JG Brida, M Meleddu, M Pulina
Journal of Travel Research 51 (6), 730-741, 2012
Life cycle of agrotouristic firms in Sardinia
M Pulina, DG Dettori, A Paba
Tourism Management 27 (5), 1006-1016, 2006
Tourism and Exports as a means of Growth
I Cortés-Jiménez, M Pulina, CR Prunera, M Artis
Research Institute of Applied Economics 10, 1-28, 2009
Understanding museum visitors’ experience: a comparative study
JG Brida, M Meleddu, M Pulina
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 6 (1), 47-71, 2016
Estimation of outbound Italian tourism demand: A monthly dynamic EC-LAIDS model
I Cortés-Jiménez, R Durbarry, M Pulina
Tourism economics 15 (3), 547-565, 2009
A further step into the ELGH and TLGH for Spain and Italy
I Cortés_Jiménez, M Pulina
bepress, 2007
Factors influencing length of stay of cultural tourists
JG Brida, M Meleddu, M Pulina
Tourism Economics 19 (6), 1273-1292, 2013
Cruise visitors' intention to return as land tourists and to recommend a visited destination
JG Brida, M Pulina, E Riaño, S Zapata-Aguirre
Anatolia 23 (3), 395-412, 2012
Evaluation of individuals’ intention to pay a premium price for ecotourism: An exploratory study
M Meleddu, M Pulina
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 65, 67-78, 2016
Investigating the degree of visitors' satisfaction at a museum
G Del Chiappa, MG Ladu, M Meleddu, M Pulina
Anatolia 24 (1), 52-62, 2013
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