Kirsti M. Jylhä
Kirsti M. Jylhä
Researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies
確認したメール アドレス: iffs.se - ホームページ
Ideology and climate change denial
K Häkkinen, N Akrami
Personality and Individual Differences 70, 62-65, 2014
Social dominance orientation and climate change denial: The role of dominance and system justification
KM Jylhä, N Akrami
Personality and Individual Differences 86, 108-111, 2015
Denial of anthropogenic climate change: Social dominance orientation helps explain the conservative male effect in Brazil and Sweden
KM Jylhä, C Cantal, N Akrami, TL Milfont
Personality and Individual Differences 98, 184-187, 2016
Right‐wing populism and climate change denial: The roles of exclusionary and anti‐egalitarian preferences, conservative ideology, and antiestablishment attitudes
KM Jylhä, K Hellmer
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 2020
Climate anxiety: Conceptual considerations, and connections with climate hope and action
J Sangervo, KM Jylhä, P Pihkala
Global Environmental Change 76, 102569, 2022
Climate Obstruction: How Denial, Delay and Inaction are Heating the Planet
K Ekberg, B Forchtner, M Hultman, KM Jylhä
Taylor & Francis, 2022
What's (not) underpinning ambivalent sexism?: Revisiting the roles of ideology, religiosity, personality, demographics, and men's facial hair in explaining hostile and …
K Hellmer, JT Stenson, KM Jylhä
Personality and Individual Differences 122, 29-37, 2018
Climate change denial among radical right-wing supporters
KM Jylhä, P Strimling, J Rydgren
Sustainability 12 (23), 10226, 2020
Radical right‐wing voters from right and left: Comparing Sweden Democrat voters who previously voted for the Conservative Party or the Social Democratic Party
SP Jylhä KM, Rydgren J
Scandinavian Political Studies 42 (3-4), 220-244, 2019
Science denial: A narrative review and recommendations for future research and practice
K Jylhä, S Stanley, M Ojala, E Clarke
European Psychologist, 2023
Sverigedemokraternas väljare: Vilka är de, var kommer de ifrån och vart är de på väg?
KM Jylhä, J Rydgren, P Strimling
Institutet för Framtidsstudier: https://www.iffs.se/publikationer/iffs …, 2018
Ideological roots of climate change denial: Resistance to change, acceptance of inequality, or both?
KM Jylhä
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2016
Acceptance of group‐based dominance and climate change denial: A cross‐cultural study in Hong Kong, New Zealand, and Sweden
KM Jylhä, KP Tam, TL Milfont
Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2021
How to Feel About Climate Change? An Analysis of the Normativity of Climate Emotions
J Mosquera, KM Jylhä
International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (3), 357-380, 2022
Nuorten ilmastoahdistus ja ympäristötunteet
P Pihkala, J Sangervo, KM Jylhä
Kestävää tekoa. Nuorisobarometri 2021, 2022
Ahdistuksen vai innostuksen ilmasto? Ilmastoviestinnän ja-kasvatuksen keinoja ilmastoahdistuksesta selviytymiseen
P Pihkala, H Cantell, KM Jylhä, J Lyytimäki, R Paloniemi, A Pulkka, ...
Maapallon tulevaisuus ja lapsen oikeudet, 2020
Xenophobia among radical and mainstream right-wing party voters: prevalence, correlates and influence on party support
KM Jylhä, J Rydgren, P Strimling
Ethnic and Racial Studies 45 (16), 261-286, 2022
Denial Versus Reality of Climate Change
KM Jylhä
Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, 2017
Sweden Democrat voters: Who are they, where do they come from and where are they headed
K Jylhä, J Rydgren, P Strimling
Institute for Futures Studies: https://www.iffs.se/en/publications/iffs …, 2019
Climate-friendly food-choice intentions among emerging adults: extending the theory of planned behavior with objective ambivalence, climate-change worry and optimism
KM Jylhä, M Ojala, S Odisho, A Riise
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1178449, 2023
論文 1–20