Kei Iida
Kei Iida
確認したメール アドレス: kochi-u.ac.jp - ホームページ
Symmetry energy at subnuclear densities and nuclei in neutron star crusts
K Oyamatsu, K Iida
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 75 (1), 015801, 2007
Superfluid phases of quark matter: Ginzburg-Landau theory and color neutrality
K Iida, G Baym
Physical Review D 63 (7), 074018, 2001
Superfluid phases of quark matter. III. Supercurrents and vortices
K Iida, G Baym
Physical Review D 66 (1), 014015, 2002
Probing the equation of state of nuclear matter via neutron star asteroseismology
H Sotani, K Nakazato, K Iida, K Oyamatsu
Physical review letters 108 (20), 201101, 2012
Thermodynamic properties of nuclear “pasta” in neutron star crusts
G Watanabe, K Iida, K Sato
Nuclear Physics A 676 (1-4), 455-473, 2000
Saturation of nuclear matter and radii of unstable nuclei
K Oyamatsu, K Iida
Progress of theoretical physics 109 (4), 631-650, 2003
Effects of hyperons on the dynamical deconfinement transition in cold neutron star matter
K Iida, K Sato
Physical Review C 58 (4), 2538, 1998
Effect of superfluidity on neutron star oscillations
H Sotani, K Nakazato, K Iida, K Oyamatsu
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 428 (1), L21-L25, 2012
Formula for proton–nucleus reaction cross section at intermediate energies and its application
K Iida, A Kohama, K Oyamatsu
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 76 (4), 044201, 2007
Melting pattern of diquark condensates in quark matter
K Iida, T Matsuura, M Tachibana, T Hatsuda
Physical review letters 93 (13), 132001, 2004
Spin down of neutron stars and compositional transitions in the cold crustal matter
K Iida, K Sato
The Astrophysical Journal 477 (1), 294, 1997
Erratum to: I.Thermodynamic properties of nuclear``pasta''in neutron star crusts'[Nucl. Phys. A 676 (2000) 455] II. ‘Effects of neutrino trapping on thermodynamic properties of …
G Watanabe, K Iida, K Sato
NuPhA 726 (3), 357-365, 2003
Possible constraints on the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy from quasi-periodic oscillations in soft gamma repeaters
H Sotani, K Nakazato, K Iida, K Oyamatsu
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 434 (3), 2060-2068, 2013
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock approach to nuclear “pasta” at finite temperature
B Schuetrumpf, MA Klatt, K Iida, JA Maruhn, K Mecke, PG Reinhard
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (5), 055805, 2013
Appearance of the single gyroid network phase in “nuclear pasta” matter
B Schütrumpf, MA Klatt, K Iida, GE Schröder-Turk, JA Maruhn, K Mecke, ...
Physical Review C 91 (2), 025801, 2015
Collective excitations in a superfluid of color-flavor locked quark matter
K Fukushima, K Iida
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (7), 074011, 2005
Thermal fluctuations of gauge fields and first order phase transitions in color superconductivity
T Matsuura, K Iida, T Hatsuda, G Baym
Physical Review D 69 (7), 074012, 2004
Electron screening in the liquid-gas mixed phases of nuclear matter
G Watanabe, K Iida
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 68 (4), 045801, 2003
Superfluid phases of quark matter. II. Phenomenology and sum rules
K Iida, G Baym
Physical Review D 65 (1), 014022, 2001
Possible identifications of newly observed magnetar quasi-periodic oscillations as crustal shear modes
H Sotani, K Iida, K Oyamatsu
New Astronomy 43, 80-86, 2016
論文 1–20