gonzalo pizarro
gonzalo pizarro
確認したメール アドレス: cnic.es
Effect of early metoprolol on infarct size in ST-segment–elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention: the effect of …
B Ibanez, C Macaya, V Sánchez-Brunete, G Pizarro, L Fernández-Friera, ...
Circulation 128 (14), 1495-1503, 2013
Mutations in the NOTCH pathway regulator MIB1 cause left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy
G Luxán, JC Casanova, B Martínez-Poveda, B Prados, G D'amato, ...
Nature medicine 19 (2), 193-201, 2013
Long-term benefit of early pre-reperfusion metoprolol administration in patients with acute myocardial infarction: results from the METOCARD-CNIC trial (Effect of Metoprolol in …
G Pizarro, L Fernández-Friera, V Fuster, R Fernández-Jiménez, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 63 (22), 2356-2362, 2014
Serial magnetic resonance imaging to identify early stages of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity
C Galán-Arriola, M Lobo, JP Vílchez-Tschischke, GJ López, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 73 (7), 779-791, 2019
Myocardial edema after ischemia/reperfusion is not stable and follows a bimodal pattern: imaging and histological tissue characterization
R Fernández-Jiménez, J Sánchez-González, J Agüero, J García-Prieto, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65 (4), 315-323, 2015
Early intravenous beta-blockers in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction before primary percutaneous coronary intervention
V Roolvink, B Ibáñez, JP Ottervanger, G Pizarro, N Van Royen, A Mateos, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 67 (23), 2705-2715, 2016
Neutrophil stunning by metoprolol reduces infarct size
J García-Prieto, R Villena-Gutiérrez, M Gómez, E Bernardo, A Pun-García, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 14780, 2017
Exercise triggers ARVC phenotype in mice expressing a disease-causing mutated version of human plakophilin-2
FM Cruz, D Sanz-Rosa, M Roche-Molina, J García-Prieto, JM García-Ruiz, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 65 (14), 1438-1450, 2015
Impact of the timing of metoprolol administration during STEMI on infarct size and ventricular function
JM Garcia-Ruiz, R Fernandez-Jimenez, A Garcia-Alvarez, G Pizarro, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 67 (18), 2093-2104, 2016
Association of myocardial T1-mapping CMR with hemodynamics and RV performance in pulmonary hypertension
A García-Álvarez, I García-Lunar, D Pereda, R Fernández-Jimenez, ...
JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 8 (1), 76-82, 2015
Triggers and anatomical substrates in the genesis and perpetuation of atrial fibrillation
D Sánchez-Quintana, J Ramon Lopez-Minguez, G Pizarro, M Murillo, ...
Current cardiology reviews 8 (4), 310-326, 2012
Effect of ischemia duration and protective interventions on the temporal dynamics of tissue composition after myocardial infarction
R Fernández-Jiménez, C Galán-Arriola, J Sánchez-González, J Agüero, ...
Circulation research 121 (4), 439-450, 2017
β3 adrenergic receptor selective stimulation during ischemia/reperfusion improves cardiac function in translational models through inhibition of mPTP opening in …
J García-Prieto, JM García-Ruiz, D Sanz-Rosa, A Pun, A García-Alvarez, ...
Basic research in cardiology 109, 1-15, 2014
Predictors of intramyocardial hemorrhage after reperfused ST‐segment elevation myocardial infarction
RP Amier, RYG Tijssen, PFA Teunissen, R Fernández‐Jiménez, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 6 (8), e005651, 2017
Remote ischaemic preconditioning ameliorates anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity and preserves mitochondrial integrity
C Galan-Arriola, R Villena-Gutierrez, MI Higuero-Verdejo, IA Díaz-Rengifo, ...
Cardiovascular research 117 (4), 1132-1143, 2021
Metoprolol blunts the time-dependent progression of infarct size
M Lobo-Gonzalez, C Galan-Arriola, X Rossello, M González‐Del‐Hoyo, ...
Basic Research in Cardiology 115, 1-11, 2020
Study design for the “effect of METOprolol in CARDioproteCtioN during an acute myocardial InfarCtion”(METOCARD-CNIC): a randomized, controlled parallel-group, observer-blinded …
B Ibanez, V Fuster, C Macaya, V Sánchez-Brunete, G Pizarro, ...
American heart journal 164 (4), 473-480. e5, 2012
Beta-3 adrenergic agonists reduce pulmonary vascular resistance and improve right ventricular performance in a porcine model of chronic pulmonary hypertension
A García-Álvarez, D Pereda, I García-Lunar, D Sanz-Rosa, ...
Basic research in cardiology 111, 1-13, 2016
Noninvasive monitoring of serial changes in pulmonary vascular resistance and acute vasodilator testing using cardiac magnetic resonance
A García-Álvarez, L Fernández-Friera, JM García-Ruiz, M Nuño-Ayala, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 62 (17), 1621-1631, 2013
Rationale and design of the pragmatic clinical trial tREatment with Beta-blockers after myOcardial infarction withOut reduced ejection fracTion (REBOOT)
X Rossello, S Raposeiras-Roubin, R Latini, A Dominguez-Rodriguez, ...
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 8 (3), 291-301, 2022
論文 1–20