Dorthe H. Larsen
Dorthe H. Larsen
確認したメール アドレス: plen.ku.dk
Anthocyanin profile, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of a strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch) genetic resource collection
T Dzhanfezova, G Barba-Espín, R Müller, B Joernsgaard, JN Hegelund, ...
Food Bioscience 36, 100620, 2020
Far‐red radiation stimulates dry mass partitioning to fruits by increasing fruit sink strength in tomato
Y Ji, D Nuñez Ocaña, D Choe, DH Larsen, LFM Marcelis, E Heuvelink
New Phytologist 228 (6), 1914-1925, 2020
Response of basil growth and morphology to light intensity and spectrum in a vertical farm
DH Larsen, EJ Woltering, CCS Nicole, LFM Marcelis
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 597906, 2020
Drought priming at vegetative growth stage enhances nitrogen‐use efficiency under post‐anthesis drought and heat stress in wheat
S Liu, X Li, DH Larsen, X Zhu, F Song, F Liu
Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 203 (1), 29-40, 2017
Gradually increasing light intensity during the growth period increases dry weight production compared to constant or gradually decreasing light intensity in lettuce
W Jin, Y Ji, DH Larsen, Y Huang, E Heuvelink, LFM Marcelis
Scientia Horticulturae 311, 111807, 2023
Lack of blue light regulation of antioxidants and chilling tolerance in Basil
DH Larsen, H Li, S Shrestha, JC Verdonk, CCS Nicole, LFM Marcelis, ...
Frontiers in plant science 13, 852654, 2022
High light intensity at End-Of-Production improves the nutritional value of basil but does not affect postharvest chilling tolerance
DH Larsen, H Li, AC van de Peppel, CCS Nicole, LFM Marcelis, ...
Food Chemistry 369, 130913, 2022
Effects of LED lighting recipes on postharvest quality of leafy vegetables grown in a vertical farm
CCS Nicole, J Mooren, AT Pereira Terra, DH Larsen, EJ Woltering, ...
VI International Conference Postharvest Unlimited 1256, 481-488, 2017
Far-red light during cultivation improves postharvest chilling tolerance in basil
DH Larsen, LFM Marcelis, D van Kempen, W Kohlen, CCS Nicole, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 198, 112232, 2023
The association between the susceptibility to Botrytis cinerea and the levels of volatile and non-volatile metabolites in red ripe strawberry genotypes
H Li, DH Larsen, R Cao, AC van de Peppel, YM Tikunov, LFM Marcelis, ...
Food chemistry 393, 133252, 2022
Anthocyanin profile, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of a strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch) genetic resource collection. Food Biosci 36: 100620
T Dzhanfezova, G Barba-Espín, R Müller, B Joernsgaard, JN Hegelund, ...
Incorporating cultivar-specific stomatal traits into stomatal conductance models improves the estimation of evapotranspiration enhancing greenhouse climate management
O Körner, D Fanourakis, MCR Hwang, B Hyldgaard, G Tsaniklidis, ...
biosystems engineering 208, 131-151, 2021
Light regulation of quality and growth of basil
DH Larsen
PQDT-Global, 2022
Basil chilling injury: Oxidative stress or energy depletion?
DH Larsen, Y Liu, M Yao, Ö Erol, Y Ji, EJ Woltering, LFM Marcelis, ...
Food Chemistry, 143581, 2025
Red, Bule and Far-Red Light Affect Strawberry Plant Development and Fruit Quality Without Changing the Susceptibility to Botrytis Cinerea Infection
H Li, DH Larsen, R Schouten, D de Jager, X Huang, S Agboyinu, M Wang, ...
論文 1–15