Aly Fahmy
Aly Fahmy
Professor of Computer Science, Faculty Of Computers, Cairo University
確認したメール アドレス: fci-cu.edu.eg - ホームページ
Dataset of breast ultrasound images
W Al-Dhabyani, M Gomaa, H Khaled, A Fahmy
Data in brief 28, 104863, 2020
A survey of text similarity approaches
WH Gomaa, AA Fahmy
international journal of Computer Applications 68 (13), 2013
Emotion recognition based on EEG using LSTM recurrent neural network
S Alhagry, AA Fahmy, RA El-Khoribi
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 8 (10), 2017
Deep learning approaches for data augmentation and classification of breast masses using ultrasound images
W Al-Dhabyani, M Gomaa, H Khaled, F Aly
Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl 10 (5), 1-11, 2019
Automated radiology report generation using conditioned transformers
O Alfarghaly, R Khaled, A Elkorany, M Helal, A Fahmy
Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 24, 100557, 2021
Retinal blood vessel segmentation approach based on mathematical morphology
G Hassan, N El-Bendary, AE Hassanien, A Fahmy, V Snasel
Procedia Computer Science 65, 612-622, 2015
A machine learning approach for opinion holder extraction in Arabic language
M Elarnaoty, S AbdelRahman, A Fahmy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1206.1011, 2012
Integrated machine learning techniques for Arabic named entity recognition
S AbdelRahman, M Elarnaoty, M Magdy, A Fahmy
IJCSI 7 (4), 27-36, 2010
Feature extraction of epilepsy EEG using discrete wavelet transform
A Hamad, EH Houssein, AE Hassanien, AA Fahmy
2016 12th international computer engineering conference (ICENCO), 190-195, 2016
Short answer grading using string similarity and corpus-based similarity
WH Gomaa, AA Fahmy
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA …, 2012
Sheep identification using a hybrid deep learning and bayesian optimization approach
AYA Salama, AE Hassanien, A Fahmy
IEEe Access 7, 31681-31687, 2019
Hybrid grasshopper optimization algorithm and support vector machines for automatic seizure detection in EEG signals
A Hamad, EH Houssein, AE Hassanien, AA Fahmy
The international conference on advanced machine learning technologies and …, 2018
A hybrid EEG signals classification approach based on grey wolf optimizer enhanced SVMs for epileptic detection
A Hamad, EH Houssein, AE Hassanien, AA Fahmy
Proceedings of the international conference on advanced intelligent systems …, 2018
Automatic scoring for answers to Arabic test questions
WH Gomaa, AA Fahmy
Computer Speech & Language 28 (4), 833-857, 2014
Ans2vec: A scoring system for short answers
WH Gomaa, AA Fahmy
The International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and …, 2020
On generalized modus ponens with multiple rules and a residuated implication
NN Morsi, AA Fahmy
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 129 (2), 267-274, 2002
Deep belief network for clustering and classification of a continuous data
MA Salama, AE Hassanien, AA Fahmy
The 10th IEEE international symposium on signal processing and information …, 2010
A discrete bat algorithm for the community detection problem
EA Hassan, AI Hafez, AE Hassanien, AA Fahmy
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 10th International Conference, HAIS …, 2015
A novel approach to formalize object-oriented design metrics
M El-Wakil, A El-Bastawisi, M Riad, A Fahmy
Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, 2005
Networks community detection using artificial bee colony swarm optimization
AI Hafez, HM Zawbaa, AE Hassanien, AA Fahmy
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on innovations in bio …, 2014
論文 1–20