Omar S. Gómez
Omar S. Gómez
Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)
確認したメール アドレス: espoch.edu.ec - ホームページ
Understanding replication of experiments in software engineering: A classification
OS Gómez, N Juristo, S Vegas
Information and Software Technology 56 (8), 1033-1048, 2014
Replications types in experimental disciplines
OS Gómez, N Juristo, S Vegas
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE international symposium on empirical …, 2010
Replication of Software Engineering Experiments
N Juristo, OS Gómez
Empirical Software Engineering and Verification, 60-88, 2012
15 Years of Software Regression Testing Techniques -- A Survey
RH Rosero, OS Gómez, G Rodríguez
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 26 …, 2016
Replication, Reproduction and Re-analysis: Three ways for verifying experimental Findings
OS Gómez, N Juristo, S Vegas
International Symposium on Workshop on Replication in Empirical Software …, 2010
Analyzing families of experiments in SE: A systematic mapping study
A Santos, O Gómez, N Juristo
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 46 (5), 566-583, 2018
Revisión sistemática acerca de la implementación de metodologías ágiles y otros modelos en micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas de software
JD Yepes, CJ Pardo Calvache, OS Gómez
Segundo Congreso Andino de Computación, Informática y Educación (CACIED'2015), 2015
CRUDyLeaf: a DSL for generating spring boot REST APIs from entity CRUD operations
OS Gómez, RH Rosero, K Cortés-Verdín
Cybernetics and Information Technologies 20 (3), 3-14, 2020
Avances en las Mejoras de Procesos Software en las MiPyMEs Desarrolladoras de Software: Una Revisión Sistemática
GE Gómez, AA Aguileta, GB Ancona, OS Gómez
Revista Latinoamericana de Ingeniería de Software 2 (4), 262-268, 2014
An Empirical Study on the Impact of an IDE Tool Support in the Pair and Solo Programming
OS Gómez, AA Aguileta, RA Aguilar, JP Ucán, RH Rosero, ...
IEEE Access, 2017
Regression Testing of Database Applications under an Incremental Software Development Setting
RH Rosero, OS Gómez, GD Rodriguez
IEEE Access, 1, 2017
Pair versus Solo Programming--An Experience Report from a Course on Design of Experiments in Software Engineering
OS Gómez, JL Batún, RA Aguilar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.4245, 2013
Aplicación del proceso de experimentación a la Ingeniería de Software
OS Gómez, JP Ucán, GE Gómez
Abstraction & Application 8 (1), 26-37, 2013
Assessment of software defect detection efficiency and cost through an intelligent collaborative virtual environment
JP Ucán, OS Gómez, RA Aguilar
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (7), 3364-2269, 2016
Impact of CS programs on the quality of test cases generation: an empirical study
OS Gómez, S Vegas, N Juristo
38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion, 374--383, 2016
A Controlled Experiment on Productivity of Pair Programming Gender Combinations: Preliminary Results
OS Gómez, M Solari, CJ Pardo C., AC Ledezma-Carrizalez
Conference Paper · May 2017 Conference: XX Ibero-American Conference on …, 2017
Estudio del Proceso Software Personal (PSP) en un entorno académico
OS Gómez, AA Aguileta, GE Gómez, RA Aguilar
Revista electrónica de Computación, Informática, Biomédica y Electrónica 3 …, 2014
Tipología de Replicaciones para la Síntesis de Experimentos en Ingeniería del Software
OSG Gómez
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2012
Current Trends of Teaching Computer Programming in Undergraduate CS Programs: A Survey from Ecuadorian Universities
G Arcos, GL Aguirre, B Hidalgo, RH Rosero, E Villa, OS Gómez
Simposio Iberoamericano en Programación Informática 1 (1), 253-275, 2018
Evaluando la arquitectura de software
OS Gómez
Software Guru 3 (01), 40-41, 2007
論文 1–20