Mohammad Lutfur Rahman
Mohammad Lutfur Rahman
Associate Professor, Jahangirnagar University
確認したメール アドレス: juniv.edu
A conceptual framework for modelling safe walking and cycling routes to high schools
ML Rahman, A Moore, M Smith, J Lieswyn, S Mandic
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (9), 3318, 2020
Active transport to school and school neighbourhood built environment across urbanisation settings in Otago, New Zealand
ML Rahman, T Pocock, A Moore, S Mandic
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (23), 9013, 2020
An Overview of Present Status and Future Prospects of the Tourism Sector in Bangladesh
ML Rahman, SMN Hossain, SS Miti, AKMA Kalam
Journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Planners 3, 65-75, 2010
Modelling induced mode switch behaviour in Bangladesh: A multinomial logistic regression approach
ML Rahman, D Baker
Transport Policy 71, 81-91, 2018
Modelling induced travel demand in a developing country: Evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh
ML Rahman, D Baker, MSU Rahman
Transportation Research Procedia 48, 3439-3456, 2020
Adolescents' perceptions of school neighbourhood built environment for walking and cycling to school
ML Rahman, AB Moore, S Mandic
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 88, 111-121, 2022
Developing a conceptual framework for an eco-friendly smart urban living
MS Sharif, ML Rahman
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 148 (2), 04022003, 2022
The impacts of transport infrastructure development on travel route switch behavior in Bangladesh
ML Rahman, D Baker
Cogent Social Sciences 8 (1), 2119688, 2022
Circular Water Transport System of Dhaka City: Analysis of Existing Condition, Inherent Problems and Future Prospects
SMN Hossain, SS Miti, ML Rahman
Dhaka Metropolitan Development Area and Its Planning: Problems, Issues and …, 2013
School bag-related factors and their implications for walking and cycling to school among New Zealand adolescents
S Mandic, K Kentala, ML Situmorang, ML Rahman, K King, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (24), 13125, 2021
Commuter s modal choice: a case study of Savar Pourashava
ML Rahman, MM Islam, M Al Mamun
Journal of Bangladesh Institute of Planners 2, 78-97, 2009
Local Government Revenue Rankings in Bangladesh
SS Miti, ML Rahman, MM Rahman
Jahangirnagar University Planning Review 16, 71-86, 2018
Modelling flyover induced travel demand in Dhaka, Bangladesh
ML Rahman
Queensland University of Technology, 2017
Analysis of Traffic Generation in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Savar Pourashava
ML Rahman
Journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Planners 4, 33-44, 2011
A Study on the Industrial River Pollution in DMDP Area and Planning Approaches
ML Rahman, SMN Hossain, SS Miti
The Jahangirnagar Review, XXXIII, 259-270, 2009
Association between perceived and objective measures of school neighbourhood built environment and active transport to school in New Zealand adolescents
ML Rahman, AB Moore, M Keall, B White, S Mandic
Active Travel Studies 3 (2), 2023
Disaster Risk Reduction for the Old People in SIDR Affected Coastal Area: A Case Study of Shoronkhola Upazila
ML Rahman, MA Mamun
Jahangirnagar University Planning Review 8, 77-84, 2010
The relationship of school neighbourhood and built environment to adolescents' walking and cycling to school
ML Rahman
University of Otago, 2023
Association between objective and perceived measures of school neighbourhood built environments and active transport to school in New Zealand adolescents [conference abstract]
ML Rahman, A Moore, M Keall, B White, S Mandic
Journal of transport and health 25 (Suppl), e101439-e101439, 2022
A Conceptual Framework for Modelling Safe Walking and Cycling Routes to High School
ML Rahman, A Moore, M Smith, J Lieswyn, S Mandic
2WalkandCycle Conference, 2021
論文 1–20