Erick Leite Bastos
Erick Leite Bastos
Departamento de Química Fundamental, Instituto de Química, Universidade de São Paulo
確認したメール アドレス: iq.usp.br - ホームページ
Synthesis and micellar properties of surface-active ionic liquids: 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chlorides
OA El Seoud, PAR Pires, T Abdel-Moghny, EL Bastos
Journal of colloid and interface science 313 (1), 296-304, 2007
A comparative study of the purification of betanin
LCP Gonçalves, MA de Souza Trassi, NB Lopes, FA Dörr, MT dos Santos, ...
Food Chemistry 131 (1), 231-238, 2012
Mechanism and color modulation of fungal bioluminescence
ZM Kaskova, FA Dörr, VN Petushkov, KV Purtov, AS Tsarkova, ...
Science advances 3 (4), e1602847, 2017
Evaluation of Antiradical Capacity by H2O2−Hemin-Induced Luminol Chemiluminescence
EL Bastos, P Romoff, CR Eckert, WJ Baader
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 51 (25), 7481-7488, 2003
Chemiluminescence of organic peroxides
WJ Baader, CV Stevani, EL Bastos
Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups, 2006
Direct kinetic observation of the chemiexcitation step in peroxyoxalate chemiluminescence
LFML Ciscato, FH Bartoloni, EL Bastos, WJ Baader
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 74 (23), 8974-8979, 2009
Revision of singlet quantum yields in the catalyzed decomposition of cyclic peroxides
M Almeida de Oliveira, FH Bartoloni, FA Augusto, LFML Ciscato, ...
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 77 (23), 10537-10544, 2012
Practical Chemical Kinetics in Solution
OA El Seoud, WJ Baader, EL Bastos
Encyclopedia of Physical Organic Chemistry 1 (1st), 369-436, 2017
Effect of dielectric microwave heating on the color and antiradical capacity of betanin
LCP Gonçalves, BM Di Genova, FA Dörr, E Pinto, EL Bastos
Journal of Food Engineering 118 (1), 49-55, 2013
Role of Δ1-Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Dehydrogenase Supports Mitochondrial Metabolism and Host-Cell Invasion of Trypanosoma cruzi
BS Mantilla, LS Paes, EMF Pral, DE Martil, OH Thiemann, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (12), 7767-7790, 2015
Solvent cage effects: Basis of a general mechanism for efficient chemiluminescence
EL Bastos, SM da Silva, WJ Baader
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 78 (9), 4432-4439, 2013
Solvation in binary mixtures of water and polar aprotic solvents: theoretical calculations of the concentrations of solvent− water hydrogen-bonded species and application to …
PL Silva, EL Bastos, OA El Seoud
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (22), 6173-6180, 2007
Chemistry inspired by the colors of fruits, flowers and wine
FH Quina, EL Bastos
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 90 (1 Suppl 1), 681-695, 2018
Four‐membered cyclic peroxides: Carriers of chemical energy
EL Bastos, P Farahani, EJH Bechara, WJ Baader
Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry 30 (9), e3725, 2017
Mechanism of activated chemiluminescence of cyclic peroxides: 1, 2-dioxetanes and 1, 2-dioxetanones
FA Augusto, A Francés-Monerris, IF Galvan, D Roca-Sanjuan, EL Bastos, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (5), 3955-3962, 2017
Chemiluminescence efficiency of catalyzed 1, 2-dioxetanone decomposition determined by steric effects
FH Bartoloni, MA de Oliveira, LFML Ciscato, FA Augusto, EL Bastos, ...
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 80 (8), 3745-3751, 2015
Microencapsulation of betanin in monodisperse W/O/W emulsions
APE Pagano, N Khalid, I Kobayashi, M Nakajima, MA Neves, EL Bastos
Food Research International 109, 489-496, 2018
Nano-hybrid plasmonic photocatalyst for hydrogen production at 20% efficiency.
MV Pavliuk, AB Fernandes, M Abdellah, DLA Fernandes, CO Machado, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 8670, 2017
Polymethine cyanine dyes in β‐cyclodextrin solution: multiple equilibria and chemical oxidation
TC Barros, SH Toma, HE Toma, EL Bastos, MS Baptista
Journal of physical organic chemistry 23 (10), 893-903, 2010
Quimiluminescência orgânica: alguns experimentos de demonstração para a sala de aula
R Albertin, MAG Arribas, EL Bastos, S Röpke, PN Sakai, AMM Sanches, ...
Química Nova 21 (6), 773, 1998
論文 1–20