オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Seung Min Han詳細
一般には非公開: 5 件
3D printed stretching-dominated micro-trusses
M Kaur, TG Yun, SM Han, EL Thomas, WS Kim
Materials & Design 134, 272-280, 2017
委任: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Solution-Processed Ag Nanowires + PEDOT:PSS Hybrid Electrode for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin-Film Solar Cells
D Shin, T Kim, BT Ahn, SM Han
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (24), 13557-13563, 2015
委任: US Department of Energy
Nanocarbon-reinforced metal-matrix composites for structural applications
Q Guo, K Kondoh, SM Han
MRS Bulletin 44 (1), 40-45, 2019
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Research Foundation …
Three-dimensionally printed cellular architecture materials: perspectives on fabrication, material advances, and applications
M Kaur, SM Han, WS Kim
MRS Communications 7 (1), 8-19, 2017
委任: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Deformation twinning in Au30Ag70 alloy nanowires under tensile strain
W Kim, K Park, SJ Yoo, P Matteini, B Hwang, B Kim, SM Han
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 816, 152586, 2020
委任: Government of Italy
一般公開: 22 件
Mechanisms of stretch-mediated skin expansion at single-cell resolution
M Aragona, A Sifrim, M Malfait, Y Song, J Van Herck, S Dekoninck, ...
Nature 584 (7820), 268-273, 2020
委任: National Fund for Scientific Research, Belgium, Research Foundation …
Defining the identity and dynamics of adult gastric isthmus stem cells
S Han, J Fink, DJ Jörg, E Lee, MK Yum, L Chatzeli, SR Merker, ...
Cell stem cell 25 (3), 342-356. e7, 2019
委任: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, European …
Tracing oncogene-driven remodelling of the intestinal stem cell niche
MK Yum, S Han, J Fink, SHS Wu, C Dabrowska, T Trendafilova, ...
Nature 594 (7863), 442-447, 2021
委任: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, European …
FIB-induced dislocations in Al submicron pillars: Annihilation by thermal annealing and effects on deformation behavior
S Lee, J Jeong, Y Kim, SM Han, D Kiener, SH Oh
Acta Materialia 110, 283-294, 2016
委任: Austrian Science Fund
A biomechanical switch regulates the transition towards homeostasis in oesophageal epithelium
J McGinn, A Hallou, S Han, K Krizic, S Ulyanchenko, R Iglesias-Bartolome, ...
Nature cell biology 23 (5), 511-525, 2021
委任: US National Institutes of Health, Cancer Research UK, UK Engineering and …
Vertically aligned P (VDF-TrFE) core-shell structures on flexible pillar arrays
YY Choi, TG Yun, N Qaiser, H Paik, HS Roh, J Hong, S Hong, SM Han, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 10728, 2015
委任: US Department of Energy
Limitations and high pressure behavior of MOF-5 for CO 2 capture
JY Jung, F Karadas, S Zulfiqar, E Deniz, S Aparicio, M Atilhan, CT Yavuz, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (34), 14319-14327, 2013
委任: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Remote control of time‐regulated stretching of ligand‐presenting nanocoils in situ regulates the cyclic adhesion and differentiation of stem cells
S Min, MJ Ko, HJ Jung, W Kim, SB Han, Y Kim, G Bae, S Lee, R Thangam, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (11), 2008353, 2021
委任: US National Science Foundation
Immunoregulation of macrophages by controlling winding and unwinding of nanohelical ligands
G Bae, YS Jeon, MJ Ko, Y Kim, SB Han, R Thangam, W Kim, HJ Jung, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (37), 2103409, 2021
委任: US National Science Foundation
Selective atomic layer deposition of metals on graphene for transparent conducting electrode application
M Kim, S Nabeya, SM Han, MS Kim, S Lee, HM Kim, SY Cho, DJ Lee, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (12), 14331-14340, 2020
委任: US Department of Defense
p57Kip2 imposes the reserve stem cell state of gastric chief cells
JH Lee, S Kim, S Han, J Min, B Caldwell, AD Bamford, ASB Rocha, ...
Cell Stem Cell 29 (5), 826-839. e9, 2022
委任: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, US Department of …
A multistate stem cell dynamics maintains homeostasis in mouse spermatogenesis
T Nakagawa, DJ Jörg, H Watanabe, S Mizuno, S Han, T Ikeda, Y Omatsu, ...
Cell Reports 37 (3), 2021
委任: UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, Human Frontier Science Program
100 years after Griffith: From brittle bulk fracture to failure in 2D materials
D Kiener, SM Han
MRS bulletin 47 (8), 792-799, 2022
委任: European Commission
Chemomechanical effect of reduced graphene oxide encapsulation on hydrogen storage performance of Pd nanoparticles
D Kim, J Koh, SY Kang, TW Heo, BC Wood, ES Cho, SM Han
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (19), 11641-11650, 2021
委任: US Department of Energy
A cellular hierarchy of Notch and Kras signaling controls cell fate specification in the developing mouse salivary gland
L Chatzeli, I Bordeu, S Han, S Bisetto, Z Waheed, BK Koo, MP Alcolea, ...
Developmental cell 58 (2), 94-109. e6, 2023
委任: Cancer Research UK, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council …
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