Majid Ebad Sichani
Majid Ebad Sichani
確認したメール アドレス: cowi.com - ホームページ
The promise of implementing machine learning in earthquake engineering: A state-of-the-art review
Y Xie, M Ebad Sichani, JE Padgett, R DesRoches
Earthquake Spectra 36 (4), 1769-1801, 2020
Probabilistic seismic analysis of concrete dry cask structures
ME Sichani, JE Padgett, V Bisadi
Structural Safety 73, 87-98, 2018
Probabilistic Analysis of Vertical Concrete Dry Casks Subjected to Tip-over and Aging Effects
M Ebad Sichani, M Hanifehzadeh, JE Padgett, B Gencturk
Nuclear Engineering and Design 343, 232-247, 2019
Hurricane risk assessment of petroleum infrastructure in a changing climate
M Ebad Sichani, KA Anarde, KM Capshaw, JE Padgett, RA Meidl, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 6, 104, 2020
Surrogate modelling to enable structural assessment of collision between vertical concrete dry casks
M Ebad Sichani, JE Padgett
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 15 (9), 1137-1150, 2019
Site-specific approach for seismic design spectra in Iran, based on recent major strong ground motions
D Nourzadeh, M Ebad-Sichani, S Takada
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 7 (1), 69-74, 2013
Machine Learning Applications in Earthquake Engineering: Literature Review and Case Studies
Y Xie, M Ebad Sichani, JE Padgett, R DesRoches
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2020
Destructive and non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete dry casks affected by alkali-silica reactivity damage
M Hanifehzadeh, M Ebad Sichani, B Gencturk, JE Padgett
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019
Seismic Risk Assessment of Vertical Concrete Dry Casks
M Ebad Sichani
Rice University, 2019
Performance assessment of oil supply chain infrastructure subjected to hurricanes
M Ebad Sichani, JE Padgett
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 27 (4), 04021033, 2021
Sensitivity Analysis of Seismic Performance of Dry Cask Structures
M Ebad Sichani, JE Padgett
16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2017
Seismic Behavior of Concrete Retaining Wall with Shear Key, Considering Soil-Structure Interaction
ME Sichani, K Bargi
Proceedings of 15th World Conference on earthquake engineering, 2011
Post-Harvey Houston-Galveston Roadway Bridge Reconnaissance
J Padgett, M Ebad Sichani, N Vishnu, S Misra, S Kameshwar, P Panakkal, ...
https://www.designsafe-ci.org/data/browser/public/designsafe.storage …, 2018
Probabilistic Seismic Assessment of Dry Storage Casks Based on Top Facet Displacement
M Ebad Sichani, JE Padgett
12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, 2017
Hurricane Harvey Infrastructure Resilience Investigation
A Mostafavi, J Padgett, L Dueñas-Osorio, E Sutley, T Norton, H Lester, ...
DesignSafe-CI, 2022
Houston-Galveston Transportation Infrastructure During and After Hurricane Harvey
J Padgett, M Ebad Sichani, I Gidaris, S Kameshwar, S Misra
https://doi.org/10.25612/837.L66N8QA5NEDL, 2019
Effect of Silica Fume on Water Absorption of Structural Lightweight Concrete Containing Saturated Leca Fine Aggregates
M Madhkhan, M Hosseinpoor, E Fereshte Nezhad, A Talebian, ...
33rd Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures, 2008
Effect of Silica Fume on Mechanical Properties of Structural Lightweight Concrete Containing Saturated Leca Fine Aggregates
M Hosseinpoor, GA Mirfendereski, A Talebian, E Fereshte Nezhad, ...
3rd Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering, 2007
論文 1–18