Qiang Zhang, Ph.D.
Qiang Zhang, Ph.D.
その他の名前Jason Zhang, Qiang (Jason) Zhang
確認したメール アドレス: ua.edu - ホームページ
Prediction of ankle dorsiflexion moment by combined ultrasound sonography and electromyography
Q Zhang, K Kim, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (1 …, 2019
Evaluation of non-invasive ankle joint effort prediction methods for use in neurorehabilitation using electromyography and ultrasound imaging
Q Zhang, A Iyer, K Kim, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 68 (3), 1044-1055, 2020
An iterative learning controller for a switched cooperative allocation strategy during sit-to-stand tasks with a hybrid exoskeleton
V Molazadeh, Q Zhang, X Bao, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (3), 1021-1036, 2021
Evaluation of a fused sonomyography and electromyography-based control on a cable-driven ankle exoskeleton
Q Zhang, K Lambeth, Z Sun, A Dodson, X Bao, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 39 (3), 2183-2202, 2023
A dual-modal approach using electromyography and sonomyography improves prediction of dynamic ankle movement: A case study
Q Zhang, A Iyer, Z Sun, K Kim, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29, 1944-1954, 2021
Modeling and control of a cable-driven rotary series elastic actuator for an upper limb rehabilitation robot
Q Zhang, D Sun, W Qian, X Xiao, Z Guo
Frontiers in neurorobotics 14, 13, 2020
Imposing healthy hip motion pattern and range by exoskeleton control for individualized assistance
Q Zhang, V Nalam, X Tu, M Li, J Si, MD Lewek, HH Huang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (4), 11126-11133, 2022
Personalized fusion of ultrasound and electromyography-derived neuromuscular features increases prediction accuracy of ankle moment during plantarflexion
Q Zhang, WH Clark, JR Franz, N Sharma
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71, 103100, 2022
Ultrasound echogenicity as an indicator of muscle fatigue during functional electrical stimulation
Q Zhang, A Iyer, K Lambeth, K Kim, N Sharma
Sensors 22 (1), 335, 2022
Shared control of a powered exoskeleton and functional electrical stimulation using iterative learning
V Molazadeh, Q Zhang, X Bao, BE Dicianno, N Sharma
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 711388, 2021
Fused ultrasound and electromyography-driven neuromuscular model to improve plantarflexion moment prediction across walking speeds
Q Zhang, N Fragnito, JR Franz, N Sharma
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 19 (86), 2022
Ultrasound imaging-based closed-loop control of functional electrical stimulation for drop foot correction
Q Zhang, K Lambeth, A Iyer, Z Sun, N Sharma
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 31 (3), 989-1005, 2022
A deep learning method to predict ankle joint moment during walking at different speeds with ultrasound imaging: A framework for assistive devices control
Q Zhang, N Fragnito, X Bao, N Sharma
Wearable Technologies 3, e20, 2022
A tube-based model predictive control method for joint angle tracking with functional electrical stimulation and an electric motor assist
Z Sun, X Bao, Q Zhang, K Lambeth, N Sharma
2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 1390-1395, 2021
Trajectory tracking control of the bionic joint actuated by pneumatic artificial muscle based on robust modeling
Y Wang, Q Zhang, X Xiao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.07157, 2016
Ultrasound echogenicity-based assessment of muscle fatigue during functional electrical stimulation
Q Zhang, A Iyer, K Lambeth, K Kim, N Sharma
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
Ankle dorsiflexion strength monitoring by combining sonomyography and electromyography
Q Zhang, Z Sheng, F Moore-Clingenpeel, K Kim, N Sharma
2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR …, 2019
Design and modeling of a compact rotary series elastic actuator for an elbow rehabilitation robot
Q Zhang, B Xu, Z Guo, X Xiao
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 10th International Conference, ICIRA …, 2017
Power efficiency-based stiffness optimization of a compliant actuator for underactuated bipedal robot
Q Zhang, X Xiao, Z Guo
Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 9th International Conference, ICIRA …, 2016
Plantarflexion moment prediction during the walking stance phase with an sEMG-ultrasound imaging-driven model
Q Zhang, N Fragnito, A Myers, N Sharma
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2021
論文 1–20