Marjan Hagenzieker
A human factors perspective on automated driving
M Kyriakidis, JCF de Winter, N Stanton, T Bellet, B van Arem, K Brookhuis, ...
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 20 (3), 223-249, 2019
Frequency, determinants, and consequences of different drivers’ emotions: An on-the-road study using self-reports,(observed) behaviour, and physiology
J Mesken, MP Hagenzieker, T Rothengatter, D De Waard
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 10 (6), 458-475, 2007
Interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles: A Wizard of Oz experiment
AR Palmeiro, S van der Kint, L Vissers, H Farah, JCF de Winter, ...
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 1005-1020, 2018
Vulnerable road users and the coming wave of automated vehicles: Expert perspectives
W Tabone, J De Winter, C Ackermann, J Bärgman, M Baumann, S Deb, ...
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 9, 100293, 2021
A conceptual framework for road safety and mobility applied to cycling safety
P Schepers, M Hagenzieker, R Methorst, B van Wee, F Wegman
Accident analysis & prevention 62, 331-340, 2014
Studying pedestrians’ crossing behavior when interacting with automated vehicles using virtual reality
JPN Velasco, H Farah, B Van Arem, MP Hagenzieker
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 66, 1-14, 2019
Do young novice drivers overestimate their driving skills more than experienced drivers? Different methods lead to different conclusions
S De Craen, DAM Twisk, MP Hagenzieker, H Elffers, KA Brookhuis
Accident analysis & prevention 43 (5), 1660-1665, 2011
Interactions between cyclists and automated vehicles: Results of a photo experiment*
MP Hagenzieker, S Van Der Kint, L Vissers, INLG Van Schagen, ...
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 12 (1), 94-115, 2020
Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines in Europe—findings from the DRUID project
H Schulze, M Schumacher, R Urmeew, J Alvarez, IM Bernhoft, HG de Gier, ...
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2012
The development of a method to measure speed adaptation to traffic complexity: Identifying novice, unsafe, and overconfident drivers
S De Craen, DAM Twisk, MP Hagenzieker, H Elffers, KA Brookhuis
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (4), 1524-1530, 2008
Pedestrians’ road crossing behaviour in front of automated vehicles: Results from a pedestrian simulation experiment using agent-based modelling
SR Rad, GH de Almeida Correia, M Hagenzieker
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 69, 101-119, 2020
Visual search of traffic scenes: On the effect of location expectations
J Theeuwes, MP Hagenzieker
Vision in vehicles 4, 149-158, 1993
The history of road safety research: A quantitative approach
MP Hagenzieker, JJF Commandeur, FD Bijleveld
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 25, 150-162, 2014
A forward collision avoidance algorithm based on driver braking behavior
X Xiong, M Wang, Y Cai, L Chen, H Farah, M Hagenzieker
Accident Analysis & Prevention 129, 30-43, 2019
Behavioural effects of advanced cruise control use: A meta-analytic approach
N Dragutinovic, KA Brookhuis, MP Hagenzieker, VAWJ Marchau
European journal of transport and infrastructure research 5 (4), 2005
The safety effects of daytime running lights
M Koornstra, FD Bijleveld, M Hagenzieker
SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research, The Netherlands, 1997
Effects of in-car support on mental workload and driving performance of older drivers
RJ Davidse, MP Hagenzieker, PC van Wolffelaar, WH Brouwer
Human factors 51 (4), 463-476, 2009
Effects of incentive programs to stimulate safety belt use: a meta-analysis
MP Hagenzieker, FD Bijleveld, RJ Davidse
Accident Analysis & Prevention 29 (6), 759-777, 1997
Prevalence of alcohol and other psychoactive substances in drivers in general traffic
S Houwing, M Hagenzieker, R Mathijssen, IM Bernhoft, T Hels, K Janstrup, ...
Part I: general results. DRUID Deliverable 2 (3), 2011
Risk of injury by driving with alcohol and other drugs
T Hels, IM Bernhoft, A Lyckegaard, S Houwing, M Hagenzieker, ...
論文 1–20