Andrea Everard
Andrea Everard
確認したメール アドレス: udel.edu
How presentation flaws affect perceived site quality, trust, and intention to purchase from an online store
A Everard, DF Galletta
Journal of management information systems 22 (3), 56-95, 2005
Privacy concerns versus desire for interpersonal awareness in driving the use of self-disclosure technologies: The case of instant messaging in two cultures
PB Lowry, J Cao, A Everard
Journal of management information systems 27 (4), 163-200, 2011
The effects of online advertising
S McCoy, A Everard, P Polak, DF Galletta
Communications of the ACM 50 (3), 84-88, 2007
Strategic downsizing: Critical success factors
SH Appelbaum, A Everard, LTS Hung
Management decision 37 (7), 535-552, 1999
An examination of the technology acceptance model in Uruguay and the US: A focus on culture
S Mccoy, A Everard, BM Jones
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 8 (2), 27-45, 2005
An experimental study of antecedents and consequences of online ad intrusiveness
S McCoy, A Everard, P Polak, DF Galletta
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 24 (7), 672-699, 2008
Here we go again! The impact of website ad repetition on recall, intrusiveness, attitudes, and site revisit intentions
S McCoy, A Everard, DF Galletta, GD Moody
Information & Management 54 (1), 14-24, 2017
User attitude towards instant messaging: The effect of espoused national cultural values on awareness and privacy
J Cao, A Everard
Journal of Global Information Technology Management 11 (2), 30-57, 2008
A study of the effects of online advertising: A focus on pop-up and in-line ads
S McCoy, A Everard, D Galletta, P Polak
Does spell-checking software need a warning label?
DF Galletta, A Durcikova, A Everard, BM Jones
Communications of the ACM 48 (7), 82-86, 2005
Online ads in familiar and unfamiliar sites: Effects on perceived website quality and intention to reuse
S McCoy, A Everard, ET Loiacono
Information Systems Journal 19 (4), 437-458, 2009
A social network analysis of interlocked directorates in electronic commerce firms
A Everard, R Henry
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1 (2), 225-234, 2002
A case for student adoption of open textbooks
A Everard, K St Pierre
Journal of the Academy of Business Education 15, 66, 2014
Information technology and the Arab world: a question of culture
M El Louadi, A Everard
AMCIS 2004 Proceedings, 66, 2004
The longitudinal effects of the mission-driven focus on the credibility of the AACSB
A Everard, J Edmonds, K St. Pierre
Journal of Management Development 32 (9), 995-1003, 2013
A rational choice theory approach towards a causal model of online advertising intrusiveness and irritation
S McCoy, A Everard, D Galletta, G Moody
Effect of Presentation Flaw Attribution on Website Quality, Trust, and Abandonment
A Everard, S McCoy
Australasian Journal of Information Systems 16 (2), 2010
The effect of presentation flaws in on-line stores' web sites on perceived quality and consumer trust of the on-line store and intention to purchase
A Everard
University of Pittsburgh, 2003
An employee typology: a knowledge management perspective
A Durcikova, A Everard
AMCIS 2002 Proceedings, 280, 2002
The effect of culture on IT diffusion: Using the technology acceptance model to predict E-mail usage in Latin America
S McCoy, A Everard
論文 1–20