Dylan M Jones
Dylan M Jones
Professor of Psychology, Cardiff University
確認したメール アドレス: cardiff.ac.uk - ホームページ
Refining the measurement of mood: The UWIST mood adjective checklist
DM Jones
British journal of Psychology 81, 17-42, 1990
Memory updating in working memory: The role of the central executive
N Morris, DM Jones
British journal of psychology 81 (2), 111-121, 1990
Irrelevant tones produce an irrelevant speech effect: Implications for phonological coding in working memory.
DM Jones, WJ Macken
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 19 (2), 369, 1993
Navigating buildings in" desk-top" virtual environments: Experimental investigations using extended navigational experience.
RA Ruddle, SJ Payne, DM Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 3 (2), 143, 1997
Auditory distraction and short-term memory: Phenomena and practical implications
SP Banbury, WJ Macken, S Tremblay, DM Jones
Human factors 43 (1), 12-29, 2001
Privileged access by irrelevant speech to short-term memory: The role of changing state
D Jones, C Madden, C Miles
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (4), 645-669, 1992
A prospective study of acute idiopathic neuropathy. II. Antecedent events.
JB Winer, RA Hughes, MJ Anderson, DM Jones, H Kangro, RP Watkins
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 51 (5), 613-618, 1988
Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP): randomized trial to assess the effects of lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol among 9,438 patients with chronic kidney disease
Sharp Collaborative Group
American heart journal 160 (5), 785-794. e10, 2010
Functional equivalence of verbal and spatial information in serial short-term memory.
D Jones, P Farrand, G Stuart, N Morris
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21 (4), 1008, 1995
Disruption of proofreading by irrelevant speech: Effects of attention, arousal or memory?
DM Jones, C Miles, J Page
Applied Cognitive Psychology 4 (2), 89-108, 1990
Disruption of short-term memory by changing and deviant sounds: support for a duplex-mechanism account of auditory distraction.
RW Hughes, F Vachon, DM Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (6), 1050, 2007
Objects, streams, and threads of auditory attention.
D Jones
Clarendon Press/Oxford University Press, 1993
The phonological store of working memory: Is it phonological and is it a store?
DM Jones, WJ Macken, AP Nicholls
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (3), 656, 2004
Navigating large-scale virtual environments: what differences occur between helmet-mounted and desk-top displays?
RA Ruddle, SJ Payne, DM Jones
Presence 8 (2), 157-168, 1999
Role of serial order in the irrelevant speech effect: Tests of the changing-state hypothesis.
CP Beaman, DM Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 23 (2), 459, 1997
Cognitive control of auditory distraction: impact of task difficulty, foreknowledge, and working memory capacity supports duplex-mechanism account.
RW Hughes, MJ Hurlstone, JE Marsh, F Vachon, DM Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 39 (2), 539, 2013
Interference by process, not content, determines semantic auditory distraction
JE Marsh, RW Hughes, DM Jones
Cognition 110 (1), 23-38, 2009
Interruption of the Tower of London task: support for a goal-activation approach.
HM Hodgetts, DM Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135 (1), 103, 2006
Phonological similarity in the irrelevant speech effect: Within-or between-stream similarity?
DM Jones, WJ Macken
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21 (1), 103, 1995
Interference in memory by process or content? A reply to Neath (2000)
DM Jones, S Tremblay
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 7 (3), 550-558, 2000
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