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Three‐dimensional seismic tomography from P wave and S wave microearthquake travel times and rock physics characterization of the Campi Flegrei Caldera
T Vanorio, J Virieux, P Capuano, G Russo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B3), 2005
Precise, absolute earthquake location under Somma–Vesuvius volcano using a new three‐dimensional velocity model
A Lomax, A Zollo, P Capuano, J Virieux
Geophysical Journal International 146 (2), 313-331, 2001
Seismic evidence for a low-velocity zone in the upper crust beneath Mount Vesuvius
A Zollo, P Gasparini, J Virieux, H Le Meur, G De Natale, G Biella, E Boschi, ...
Science 274 (5287), 592-594, 1996
Evidence for the buried rim of Campi Flegrei caldera from 3‐d active seismic imaging
A Zollo, S Judenherc, E Auger, L D'Auria, J Virieux, P Capuano, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (19), 2003
Urban morphological determinants of temperature regulating ecosystem services in two African cities
G Cavan, S Lindley, F Jalayer, K Yeshitela, S Pauleit, F Renner, S Gill, ...
Ecological Indicators 42, 43-57, 2014
An image of Mt. Vesuvius obtained by 2D seismic tomography
A Zollo, P Gasparini, J Virieux, G Biella, E Boschi, P Capuano, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 82 (1-4), 161-173, 1998
Inferences on the upper crustal structure of Southern Apennines (Italy) from seismic refraction investigations and subsurface data
L Improta, G Iannaccone, P Capuano, A Zollo, P Scandone
Tectonophysics 317 (3-4), 273-298, 2000
A model for the 1908 Messina Straits (Italy) earthquake by inversion of levelling data
P Capuano, G De Natale, P Gasparini, F Pingue, R Scarpa
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 78 (6), 1930-1947, 1988
The active portion of the Campi Flegrei caldera structure imaged by 3‐D inversion of gravity data
P Capuano, G Russo, L Civetta, G Orsi, M D'Antonio, R Moretti
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14 (10), 4681-4697, 2013
Evidence for a peculiar style of ground deformation inferred at Vesuvius volcano
R Lanari, G De Natale, P Berardino, E Sansosti, GP Ricciardi, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (9), 6-1-6-4, 2002
An integrated geophysical investigation of the upper crust in the epicentral area of the 1980, Ms= 6.9, Irpinia earthquake (Southern Italy)
L Improta, M Bonagura, P Capuano, G Iannaccone
Tectonophysics 361 (1), 139-169, 2003
Space and time behavior of seismic activity at Mt. Vesuvius volcano, southern Italy
A Zollo, W Marzocchi, P Capuano, A Lomax, G Iannaccone
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (2), 625-640, 2002
Seismicity at Somma-Vesuvius and its implications for the 3D tomography of the volcano
G De Natale, P Capuano, C Troise, A Zollo
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 82 (1-4), 175-197, 1998
Defining a 3D physical model for the hydrothermal circulation at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy)
Z Petrillo, G Chiodini, A Mangiacapra, S Caliro, P Capuano, G Russo, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 264, 172-182, 2013
Rupture mechanism and source parameters of Umbria-Marche mainshocks from strong motion data
P Capuano, A Zollo, A Emolo, S Marcucci, G Milana
Journal of seismology 4, 463-478, 2000
Internal stress field at Mount Vesuvius: A model for background seismicity at a central volcano
G De Natale, SM Petrazzuoli, C Troise, F Pingue, P Capuano
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B7), 16207-16214, 2000
Unusual behaviour of epikarst in the Acqua dei Faggi carbonate aquifer (Southern Italy)
E Petrella, P Capuano, F Celico
Terra Nova 19 (1), 82-88, 2007
The 1997 Umbria-Marche (central Italy) earthquake sequence: Insights on the mainshock ruptures from near source strong motion records
A Zollo, S Marcucci, G Milana, P Capuano
Geophysical research letters 26 (20), 3165-3168, 1999
Constraints on the shallow crustal model of the Northern Apennines (Italy) from the analysis of microearthquake seismic records
A Zollo, RD Matteis, P Capuano, F Ferulano, G Iannaccone
Geophysical Journal International 120 (3), 646-662, 1995
Source parameters of earthquakes in the Strait of Messina, Italy, during this century
A Bottari, P Capuano, G De Natale, P Gasparini, G Neri, F Pingue, ...
Tectonophysics 166 (1-3), 221-234, 1989
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