Peter Lovei
Peter Lovei
Data Designer | PhD
確認したメール アドレス: philips.com
Design for co-responsibility: connecting patients, partners, and professionals in bariatric lifestyle changes
JM Jansen, K Niemantsverdriet, AW Burghoorn, P Lovei, I Neutelings, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1537-1549, 2020
Breaking up data-enabled design: expanding and scaling up for the clinical context
R Noortman, P Lovei, M Funk, E Deckers, S Wensveen, B Eggen
Ai Edam 36, e19, 2022
The Marios and Luigis of design: Design plumbers wanted!
P Lovei, E Deckers, M Funk, S Wensveen
Companion Publication of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems …, 2020
The value of tracking data on the behavior of patients who have undergone bariatric surgery: Explorative study
D Versteegden, M van Himbeeck, AW Burghoorn, P Lovei, E Deckers, ...
JMIR Formative Research 6 (5), e27389, 2022
Identifying a Motivational Profile for Older Adults Towards Increased Physical Activity
CAL Valk, P Lovei, H Cornelis, Y Chuang, T Visser, P Pu, Y Lu
International Journal of Design 15 (1), 17, 2021
Together in shape: A Co-responsibility system to support bariatric lifestyle changes
P Lovei, R van Dijk, JM Jansen, E Deckers, K Niemantsverdriet, ...
Companion publication of the 2020 ACM designing interactive systems …, 2020
Teaching data-enabled design: student-led data collection in design education
R Noortman, P Lovei, M Funk
8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22), 223-230, 2022
Infant feeding system
JWM Van Kollenburg, S Bogers, B Buharali, P Lovei
US Patent 11,324,666, 2022
Field lab sleep and energy: A system for longitudinal remote sleep tracking and prototyping
P Lovei, E Deckers, M Funk, S Wensveen
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Computer Human Interaction in IoT …, 2021
Introduction to data-enabled design
P Lovei, R Noortman, M Funk
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 1-3, 2022
Designing Micro-intelligences for Situated Affective Computing.
P Lovei, I Nazarchuk, S Aslam, B Yu, C Megens, N Sidorova
Exploring the service system perspective on designing intelligent health ecosystems: the co-responsibility study
V Pannunzio, P Lovei, I Neutelings, E Deckers, J Jansen, AW Burghoorn
6th International Conference on Design4Health2020/Online, 469-477, 2020
Data-enabled design: designing intelligent ecosystems through design plumbing and futuring
R Noortman, P Lovei, S Raviselvam, M Funk
Companion Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering …, 2024
Designing with Data, Data-Enabled and Data-Driven Design
M Funk, P Lovei, R Noortman
Handbook of Human Computer Interaction, 1-32, 2024
Engaging senior adults with technology for behavior change
CAL Valk, P Lovei, Y Chuang, Y Lu, P Pu, T Visser
Academy for Design Innovation Management, 57-68, 2019
ExperimentSuite: A tool enabling the Data-Driven Design Process
P Lovei
Careful curation of care content: A case study of a technology-supported atrial fibrillation outpatient clinic
RR Noortman, AW Burghoorn, P Lövei, J Jansen, EJL Deckers, J Vermeer, ...
International Journal of Design 17 (3), 79-94, 2023
Experience Data-enabled Design!
P Lovei, R Noortman, S Raviselvam, M Funk
Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2023
How did you sleep?: Exploring by-proxy sleep assessment in a field study setup
T Vacaretu, S Pillen, AW Burghoorn, M Knufinke-Meyfroyt, P Lovei, ...
Journal of Sleep Research 29, 231, 2020
Formalized results of final testing and optimization activities: Summarization of testing and evaluation of final testing of continuously improved system in the form of …
C Krewer, BS SK, HBA DTU, TL TUM, MS SK, R Hu, C Zhao, J Guttler, ...
論文 1–20