Liezl van Dyk
Liezl van Dyk
Executive Dean: NWU Faculty of Engineering
確認したメール アドレス: nwu.ac.za - ホームページ
A review of telehealth service implementation frameworks
L Van Dyk
International journal of environmental research and public health 11 (2 …, 2014
An investigation of industry 4.0 skills requirements
W Maisiri, H Darwish, L Van Dyk
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 30 (3), 90-105, 2019
Lean implementation strategies: how are the Toyota Way principles addressed?
R Coetzee, L Van Dyk, K Van der Merwe
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 27 (3), 79-91, 2016
Industry 4.0 skills: A perspective of the South African manufacturing industry
W Maisiri, L Van Dyk
SA Journal of Human Resource Management 19, 1416, 2021
Towards addressing respect for people during lean implementation
R Coetzee, L Van Dyk, KR Van der Merwe
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 10 (3), 830-854, 2019
Industry 4.0 readiness assessment for South African industries
W Maisiri, L Van Dyk
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 30 (3), 134-148, 2019
The impact of South Africa's ICT infrastructure on higher education
C Brown, H Thomas, AD Van der Merwe, L Van Dyk
Factors that inhibit sustainable adoption of Industry 4.0 in the South African manufacturing industry
W Maisiri, L van Dyk, R Coeztee
Sustainability 13 (3), 1013, 2021
The telemedicine service maturity model: A framework for the measurement and improvement of telemedicine services
L Van Dyk, CSL Schutte
Telemedicine 2013, 217-238, 2013
Creating business intelligence from course management systems
L Van Dyk, P Conradie
Campus-Wide Information Systems 24 (2), 120-133, 2007
The development of a telemedicine service maturity model
L Van Dyk
Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University, 2013
A maturity model for telemedicine implementation
L Van Dyk, C Schutte, J Fortuin
E-Telemed 2012 The Fourth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine …, 2012
The South African perspective on the lean manufacturing Respect for People principles
L Van Dyk, K Van der Merwe, C Jonker, R Coetzee
SA Journal of Industrial Psychology 45 (1), 1-11, 2019
The industrial engineering identity: from historic skills to modern values, duties, and roles
H Darwish, L Van Dyk
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 27 (3), 50-63, 2016
A Data Warehouse Model for Micro‑Level Decision Making in Higher Education
L van Dyk
Electronic Journal of e-learning 6 (3), pp235‑244-pp235‑244, 2008
Development of a maturity model for telemedicine
L Van Dyk, CSL Schutte
South African Journal of Industrial Engineering 23 (2), 61-72, 2012
Industry 4.0 competence maturity model design requirements: A systematic mapping review
W Maisiri, L van Dyk
2020 IFEES World Engineering Education Forum-Global Engineering Deans …, 2020
Bottom of Pyramid 4.0: modularising and assimilating industrial revolution cognition into a 4-tiered social entrepreneurship upliftment model for previously disconnected …
H Darwish, L Van Dyk
Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 3 (02), 1850010, 2018
Development of an industry 4.0 competency maturity model
W Maisiri, L van Dyk, R Coetzee
SAIEE Africa Research Journal 112 (4), 189-197, 2021
Business models for sustained ehealth implementation: lessons from two continents
L Van Dyk, MJ Wentzel, AH Van Limburg, V Gemert-Pijnen, CSL Schutte
Computers & Industrial Engineering Conference Proceedings, 2012
論文 1–20