オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Ilias Kyriazakis詳細
一般には非公開: 7 件
Environmental benefits of using turkey litter as a fuel instead of a fertiliser
AG Williams, I Leinonen, I Kyriazakis
Journal of Cleaner Production 113, 167-175, 2016
委任: UK Research & Innovation
Cost-effectiveness of environmental impact abatement measures in a European pig production system
G Pexas, SG Mackenzie, M Wallace, I Kyriazakis
Agricultural Systems 182, 102843, 2020
委任: European Commission
Freedom to lie: How farrowing environment affects sow lying behaviour assessment using inertial sensors
RJ Thompson, S Matthews, T Plötz, I Kyriazakis
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 157, 549-557, 2019
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
Can we use genetic and genomic approaches to identify candidate animals for targeted selective treatment
YCSM Laurenson, I Kyriazakis, SC Bishop
Veterinary Parasitology 197 (1-2), 379-383, 2013
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
The interactive effects of maternal nutrition and subsequent grazing on bioactive forage on lamb performance and parasitic status
A Kidane, S Athanasiadou, JGM Houdijk, BJ Tolkamp, I Kyriazakis
Proceedings of the British Society of Animal Science 2008, 97-97, 2008
委任: Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Executive
Rilevamento automatico degli atteggiamenti posturali e del comportamento di abbeverata nei suini per individuare alterazioni dello stato sanitario.
A Alameer, I Kyriazakis, J Bacardit
Summa, Animali da Reddito 15 (9), 2020
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Rilevamento automatico delle modificazioni comportamentali nei suini per il monitoraggio del benessere e dello stato sanitario.
SG Matthews, AL Miller, T PlÖtz, I Kyriazakis
Summa, Animali da Reddito 14 (10), 2019
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
一般公開: 62 件
Early detection of health and welfare compromises through automated detection of behavioural changes in pigs
SG Matthews, AL Miller, J Clapp, T Plötz, I Kyriazakis
The Veterinary Journal 217, 43-51, 2016
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Research …
Automated tracking to measure behavioural changes in pigs for health and welfare monitoring
SG Matthews, AL Miller, T PlÖtz, I Kyriazakis
Scientific reports 7 (1), 17582, 2017
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Research …
Automated individual pig localisation, tracking and behaviour metric extraction using deep learning
J Cowton, I Kyriazakis, J Bacardit
IEEE Access 7, 108049-108060, 2019
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Prospects for sustainability of pig production in relation to climate change and novel feed resources
WM Rauw, L Rydhmer, I Kyriazakis, M Øverland, H Gilbert, JCM Dekkers, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (9), 3575-3586, 2020
委任: European Commission
Can novel ingredients replace soybeans and reduce the environmental burdens of European livestock systems in the future?
CW Tallentire, SG Mackenzie, I Kyriazakis
Journal of Cleaner Production 187, 338-347, 2018
委任: European Commission
Automated recognition of postures and drinking behaviour for the detection of compromised health in pigs
A Alameer, I Kyriazakis, J Bacardit
Scientific reports 10 (1), 13665, 2020
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Automatic recognition of feeding and foraging behaviour in pigs using deep learning
A Alameer, I Kyriazakis, HA Dalton, AL Miller, J Bacardit
Biosystems engineering 197, 91-104, 2020
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Engineering …
Environmental impacts of housing conditions and manure management in European pig production systems through a life cycle perspective: A case study in Denmark
G Pexas, SG Mackenzie, M Wallace, I Kyriazakis
Journal of Cleaner Production 253, 120005, 2020
委任: European Commission
The first step toward genetic selection for host tolerance to infectious pathogens: obtaining the tolerance phenotype through group estimates
AB Doeschl-Wilson, B Villanueva, I Kyriazakis
Frontiers in Genetics 3, 265, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
Novel methods for quantifying individual host response to infectious pathogens for genetic analyses
AB Doeschl-Wilson, SC Bishop, I Kyriazakis, B Villanueva
Frontiers in genetics 3, 266, 2012
委任: Government of Spain
Challenges and priorities for modelling livestock health and pathogens in the context of climate change
Ş Özkan, A Vitali, N Lacetera, B Amon, A Bannink, DJ Bartley, ...
Environmental Research 151, 130-144, 2016
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Research Council …
Health trajectories reveal the dynamic contributions of host genetic resistance and tolerance to infection outcome
G Lough, I Kyriazakis, S Bergmann, A Lengeling, AB Doeschl-Wilson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1819), 20152151, 2015
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, European Commission
Does selection for growth rate in broilers affect their resistance and tolerance to Eimeria maxima?
P Sakkas, I Oikeh, DP Blake, MJ Nolan, RA Bailey, A Oxley, I Rychlik, ...
Veterinary parasitology 258, 88-98, 2018
委任: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
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